Elements of Fiction
Why do author’s write fiction? Why are not all stories true?
Fiction: Short Story (flash fiction): extremely brief story Novella: a story of intermediate length Novel: long work of prose fiction. Includes:
Character Character: a person (or sometimes an animal) who figures in the action of a literary work. Character trait- Examples:
Character Protagonist: main character; the central figure in a literary work. Examples: Antagonist: a character who is pitted against a protagonist
Character Major: Minor:
Character Flat (________________________________________): a character who exhibits a single dominant quality Examples: Rounded (___________________________________): a character who exhibits the complexity of traits associated with human beings
Character Static: Dynamic: Stock: character found again and again in different literary works Examples:
Motivation Motivation: the force that moves a character to ___________, ____________, or _____________ in a certain way
Characterization: Use of literary techniques to create a character
Direct Description The author comments on character through: The author communicates appearance, habits, dress, background, personality, motivations, etc.
Examples A man wearing black with darting dark eyes A young woman in white
Portrayal of Character’s Behavior Author uses _________________ and _______________ of a character Reader draws his or her own conclusions from what character _______________ or ____________________
Representations of Internal States Reveals character’s private thoughts usually through internal monologue Example: Now don't misunderstand me, I mean, I want you to know from the beginning that I'm not really stupid. I know what's right and wrong for a girl to do. I get around, I read, I listen to my friends, and I have two older brothers to tell me what to do. I know it's becoming to wear slimming skirts and smart blouses, and stockings, and French-heeled shoes. And I know your hair should be kept neatly, with maybe a little bow at the top. Now me, I don't wear my hair too high like some; it makes me too young, and it just doesn't suit me. Well, anyway, I'm not in the least bit small- town. I read "Dear Abby." I read Woman’s Day. I get to know how men think, how to make my cheeks look like they have natural blush, and what is currently the prettiest. This isn't really what I wanted to tell you. I just wanted you to get the general idea of how I'm not stupid. It's vital that you understand that. You see, it was funny how I met him.
Who is this character? How is this character portrayed? (What’s this character’s personality?) Where/when is the character? What’s the situation?