Speak where the Bible Speaks and Be Silent where the Bible is Silent
I am uninspired Ephesians 4:11-13 Church was built upon a foundation Apostles New Testament Prophets Jesus Christ, cornerstone Builders include Teachers Evangelists
Speak where the Bible Speaks I Corinthians 4:16 NOT to think beyond what is written II Corinthians 10:1-5 Casting down imaginations exalted against knowledge of God Romans 1:21 vain imaginations of mind
Speak where the Bible Speaks I Peter 4:11 Speak as the oracles of God Un-inspired men (teachers & evangelists) Expounding upon inspired writings Authority & Source of the Bible
Speak where the Bible Speaks II Timothy 4:1-5 PREACH the WORD Not caught up in “issues” Endless supply of resource in the WORD Ready = instant Convince, Rebuke, Exhort
Be Silent where the Bible is Silent I Timothy 6:20 Guard that which is committed to you Avoid Babblings Contradictions, falsely called knowledge Professing will cause straying
Be Silent where the Bible is Silent I Timothy 6:3-5 Not consenting to Jesus Words Creates Obsessions with disputes Arguments over words Envy, Strife Evil suspicions Useless wranglings Withdraw from such
Be Silent where the Bible is Silent Revelation 22:18-19 Do NOT add to Principle for the whole Bible If it is not in there, leave it alone
Speak where the Bible Speaks Be Silent where the Bible is Silent Proclamation and Practice coincide Where has the mission of the church gone? Lost still need the Gospel Speak & Be Silent