DOI: 10.1002/adma.201302719 2013.11.01
2,7-didecylbenzothienobenzothiophene Takimiya et al JACS 2007 1.0 cm2V-1s-1 2,7-didecylbenzothienobenzothiophene T. Hasegawa et al, Nature 2011 Double-shot inkjet printing DMF DCB 31.3 cm2V-1s-1 combines the technique of anti-solvent crystallization with inkjet printing within a confined area on an amorphous substrate ; triggers the controlled formation of exceptionally uniform single-crystal or polycrystalline thin films that grow at the liquid– air interfaces.
Template-assisted self-assembly ITO glass used as gate - Combination of bottom-up self-assembly and top-down fabrication with lithographic templates - Micro-confined system; form regular arrays with well-ordered molecular structure
Thermal gradient; growth follows the long axis of the trench
- Some angular misorientation; colors difference Micro scale cracks in the top surface of the line pattern due to the volume contraction by cooling from Sm to Cr Thin active layer (ca. 10 nm) at the interface meeting with the insulating layer Molecules stand upright and packed
Interlayer distance; 3.37 nm Spin-coated film Interlayer distance; 3.37 nm Line-patterned film (001) (002) (003) Aligned both vertical and lateral directions Crystal alignment direction; [100] Almost perpendicular to the walls of PDMS template direction [010] Growth direction
Direction of the channel; Parallel to that of the crystal growth In the [010] direction - noticeable contact resistance - large film thickness approx. 800 nm contact resistance increases with increasing semiconductor thickness - charge transport occurs along the [010] direction, (previously reported devices using single crystal C 8 -BTBT, transport occurs along the [100] direction ; stronger intermolecular electronic coupling)
conclusion Demonstration on a method for the fabrication of highly ordered micropatterns of crystalline C 10 -BTBT as an organic semiconductor; the sizes of these micropatterns are easily controlled by using the TASA technique and the intrinsic liquid crystallinity of C 10 -BTBT. Although the micropatterns are not composed of single crystalline structures, we were able to controlthe crystalline orientation and degree of crystallinity over large areas.