Department of Medicine Faculty Meeting March 22, 2016 Announcements Residency Program Match Results
Announcements Update on Searches-Hematology-Oncology Section Chief Clinical pathway for promotion (e.g., clinical AP, AoP, P) has been approved Evans Student Educators (Associate Clerkship Directors) selected for AY 17 Rob Lowe Sonia Ananthakrishnan Rachel Casas Teresa Cheng
AY 17 Budget Planning Update Second pass of budgets in process Departmental/section deficit projections ~$5m CARE+ funding to the DOM likely decreasing, figures to be released by FPF soon Quality Leader positions being eliminated Associate Inpatient Medical Director being created How do we offset section operating deficits? Tax operating “profits”, if so, flat tax or variable rate
AY 17 Budget Planning Update (con’t) UHC wRVU benchmarks for AY 17 are increased for some sections and lower for others $/wRVU have declined in AY 16 Cannot afford to lower wRVU targets given need to increase salaries and challenging reimbursement levels Trying to create sufficient “headroom” for incentive payments
AY 17 Faculty Compensation Aiming for COLA but uncertain at this time (3% COLA= $1.5m) Some sections have more faculty below AAMC AY 15 median Higher benchmarks Tend to be sections with more procedures Some sections at or near AAMC AY 15 median Tend to have lower benchmarks Tend to be financially stressed Planning review of compensation plan for AY 18
Faculty Development Seminars Giving Effective Feedback Francine Montemurro Tuesday, March 29th from 12-1pm in Wilkins NIH Biosketch Boot Camp Ellen Jamieson, BMC Grants Office Monday, April 4th from 12-1pm in Wilkins Effective Collaborations with Industry Weining Lu, Mike Pratt, and David Lough Tuesday, April 5th from 5-6pm in Wilkins
DOM Networking Dinners Under-Represented Minorities & Allies April 20th from 6:30 to 8:30 (new date) Investigators April 27th from 6:30 to 8:30 Enjoy good food and meaningful discussion with your DOM colleagues. Emelia Benjamin’s home in Brookline RSVP to Robina Bhasin at
Academy for Faculty Advancement Structured 9-month early career faculty development program for instructors and assistant professors across BUMC Program Components: Academic project and mentor Professional development curriculum Peer & senior mentoring Application deadline is April 18, 2016
Faculty Grants Education Pilot Grants Open to all clinician and scientist educators Application deadline is May 2nd medicine/grants/education-pilot-grants/ Faculty Development & Diversity Grants Open to ALL DOM FACULTY at all levels seeking to further their professional development Next deadline is April 15th