Welcome to De Anza!
Agenda Introduce yourself to the people around you. Discuss material from your census sheet and summer plans. In-class Writing 2 Schedule Personal Narrative Journals Landscape of Opportunity Homework, Add codes
In-class Writing 2 I will hand back the in-class writing on Monday. Do not begin your personal narrative until after I have handed back your in-class writing.
Schedule This weekend: Journal 1, begin reading Landscape of Opportunity. Monday: Begin discussing Landscape of Opportunity, have topics approved, begin outline. Tuesday: Have outline approved, begin writing first draft. Wednesday: First draft due (not the full-length draft). Thursday: Journal 2 (use material from Landscape of Opportunity). Friday: Final draft due.
Personal Narrative The assignment description is online. Do not begin writing your personal narrative.
Journal 1 You might need to create a google account.
Landscape of Opportunity Pay particular attention to the graphic on page five. Read 1-16 over the weekend.
Homework We are moving quickly, so do not fall behind. Journal 1. Do not begin to write your personal narrative until your journal has been approved. Read 1-16 in Landscape of Opportunity Add codes