Edification Training
Objective Building up the credibility of your Upline Expert and to give your prospect a reason why they should listen.
Definition To give value to someone or something Edification is a necessary skill that you have to learn. Edify means to amplify the good in others. Edify doesn’t mean lying or fabricate false attributes.
Value of Edifying The edification process creates respect for the person that is going to assist you in your business Edify a third person to present the opportunity to your guest. Your friends trust in you but they might don't respect you as an expert. If you learn how to edify properly, you increase their influence in their decision to enroll.
Properly edification Speak about his or her past and present success and future vision Use the four personalities (Money, Information, Help, Fun) when you need to edify someone that you don't know much. Always relate, or find the common ground between the prospect and the person you are going to edify. Every time somebody Edifies you, you should edify them in return (Reverse Edification). Use emotion and enthusiasm when you edify somebody or something.
What to edify The Company The owners Your Leader The CD’s and DVD’s Your people Other Leaders The events The products The owners The CD’s and DVD’s The trainings The presentations The presenter The concepts Your city
Edification Roll Play Edify someone that you know very well Edify someone that you don’t know at all Edify someone creating urgency Edify someone for the 3 way call Practice how to proper introduce the next speaker Learn how to tell stories and edify the company and people
Edification Training