“Committed to Clients and Where Results Matter” Intra-Tax Services “Committed to Clients and Where Results Matter”
Who are we? Intra- Tax Services is a tax business that opened its doors on January 1, 2005 to provide clients with quality and friendly service when it comes to tax preparation, accounting services, notary services, and business start-ups.
What we strive for? To provide exceptional client satisfaction by meeting and perfecting our clients’ needs, while maintaining high standards. Intra-Tax Services' goal is to keep up with clients’ needs, IRS changes, technology advances and offer quality service for its clients.
Memberships Better Business Bureau National Association of Tax Professionals IRS E-file Provider Latino Tax
Locations (Headquarters) (Tax Prep School) 12400 Montwood Ste. S (915)626-5117 (Headquarters) (Tax Prep School)
Advantage Our firm is large enough to offer a full range of professional services, but small enough to give you the individual attention that you deserve.
Services Accounting Software Selection & Implementation Audits, Reviews, and Compilations Bookkeeping/Write-Up Business Consulting Business Entity Selection Buying or Selling a Business Estate & Trust Tax Preparation Financial Analysis Financial Statements IRS Representation Management Advisory Services Notary Public Payroll Services Retirement Planning Sales Tax Services Tax Preparation & Planning
Price Range Prices range from the different services we offer and what your company needs.
For more resources visit intrataxservices.com Resources for you Financial Calculator -How much am I spending? Record Retention Guide -Keep records relating to property until the period of limitations expires for the year in which you dispose of the property in a taxable disposition. For more resources visit intrataxservices.com
We are here to help you Through all of our services, we are confident that we will not only manage your money but advise you on how to increase your profits. Rest assured that when a need arises, our firm is ready and capable to handle everything for you so you can focus on what matters most to you.