Bellwork We have talked about groundwater and some of the ways it can become contaminated. So...what could be in our drinking water? Explore this website to find out!
Objective Explore the relationship between porosity and permeability empirically.
Porosity vs. Permeability Porosity = amount of water that can be stored in the pore spaces (air pockets) Permeability = ability of water to flow through connected pore spaces 3
How does soil particle size affect porosity and permeability? Question How does soil particle size affect porosity and permeability? How can we make this question into a statement of purpose for our lab?
2. Research/Prior Knowledge What do we already know about: Soil particles? Porosity? Permeability?
(If...then statement that makes a prediction about the question) 3. Hypothesis (If...then statement that makes a prediction about the question)
4. Experiment How can we test PERMEABILITY of different soil particles? Independent Variable: Dependent Variable: Materials: Procedure:
What do the graphs suggest? 5. Analysis What happened? What do the graphs suggest?
Did the data support my hypothesis? 6. Conclusion Did the data support my hypothesis?
On your binder you should have: Bellwork Analysis and conclusion (points 5. 6.) Closure activity (next slide)
WATER CONSERVATION TIPS!!! Go to this website There are four parts of a house below. Choose two (2) tips from each part that are applicable to your lifestyle and then write them on your paper Parts of the house KITCHEN BATHROOM GENERAL INDOOR GENERAL OUTDOOR