The Word of the Week is… minute Have you ever heard this word before? Do you think you know what it means? Turn and Talk to a neighbor your knowledge of this word minute.
minute mahy-noot adjective *Definition: *extremely small, as in size, amount, extent, or degree *of minor importance
Synonyms *insignificant *minimal *unimportant *little *minor minute Synonyms *insignificant *minimal *unimportant *little *minor
Antonyms *significant *important *considerable *huge minute Antonyms *significant *important *considerable *huge
minute When reading a text, it is important to weed out the minute details and determine the main idea.
minute Although the twins look very much alike, there are some minute differences that only their close family and friends can see.
minute When planning a birthday party, there is a lot to minutia deal with, like the perfect food, the correct outfit, and fabulous decorations.
Can you see the minute differences in these two pictures?
minute After reading this quote, write about what it means to you and explain how no one person is minute.