Title Page Plan Collect Process Discuss Objectives Start screen Title Page Objectives The learning objectives can be usefully listed here Activities a list of the activities the class will be engaged in can go here Points to note The presentation requires Microsoft PowerPoint version 2002 or above. You may download the free PowerPoint viewer from our website if you have an earlier version. This presentation contains ??? slides.
Plan Collect Process Discuss Start screen Insert here slide content that will provide the background and motivation for the problem You should copy and paste the next slide (which is blank) to provide the number of slides that you need for this
Plan Collect Process Discuss Start screen
The Problem Solving Approach Plan Collect Process Discuss DHCycle The Problem Solving Approach You can build on the first try by continuing here... First you decide what problem to solve and what data you need Plan Discuss Collect Process Have you got all the evidence you want? Objectives Students should learn: Where their current task fits within the whole ‘problem solving approach’ To review their prior work. Points to note: This is the final screen, from a series of similar screens, which maps our ‘current location’ in the whole ‘problem solving approach.’ Having discussed our findings we could now start the whole cycle again. Then you collect suitable data. 4
Collect Process Discuss Plan Crime in the Media Insert here slide content that will provide the prompts to enable the pupils to decide what questions they are posing You should copy and paste the next slide (which is blank) to provide the number of slides that you need for this Objectives Children should learn: The context of the problem Activities Discussion: list the main points for the discussion
Plan Collect Process Discuss Objectives Children should learn: Eight categories Objectives Children should learn: Activities Points to note
Process Discuss Plan Collect Insert here slide content that will be used to plan what data to collect You should copy and paste the next slide (which is blank) to provide the number of slides that you need Objectives Children should learn: To plan what data they are going to collect, from whom and how. Points to note: Sample size:
Plan Collect Process Discuss Objectives Children should learn: Which data Objectives Children should learn: Points to note:
The Problem Solving Approach Plan Collect Process Discuss DHCycle The Problem Solving Approach You are now here. Plan Discuss Collect Process Objectives Children should learn: Where their current task fits within the whole ‘problem solving approach’ To review their prior work. Points to note: This is one of a series of screens which maps our ‘current location’ in the whole ‘problem solving approach.’
Plan Process Discuss Collect Which data Insert here slides content that will be concerned with collecting the data discussed in the plan You should copy and paste the next slide (which is blank) to provide the number of slides that you need Objectives Children should learn: Activities Points to note
Collect Plan Process Discuss Objectives Children should learn: Which data Objectives Children should learn: Activities Points to note
The Problem Solving Approach Plan Collect Process Discuss DHCycle The Problem Solving Approach Plan Discuss Collect You are now here. Process Objectives Children should learn: Where their current task fits within the whole ‘problem solving approach’ To review their prior work. Points to note: This is one of a series of screens which maps our ‘current location’ in the whole ‘problem solving approach.’ Now that we have collected data we need to process it – put it into a format that will help to answer our questions. We can draw graphs and charts as well as performing calculations to help us answer the problem.
Plan Collect Discuss Process Which processes Insert here slide content that will lead the pupils through the different ways of processing and presenting the data that are the objectives of this presentation You should copy and paste the next slide (which is blank) to provide the number of slides that you need Objectives Children should learn: Activities Points to note
Process Plan Collect Discuss Objectives Children should learn: Which processes Objectives Children should learn: Activities Points to note
The Problem Solving Approach Plan Collect Process Discuss DHCycle The Problem Solving Approach Plan Discuss Collect Process Objectives Children should learn: Where their current task fits within the whole ‘problem solving approach’ To review their prior work. Points to note: This is one of a series of screens which maps our ‘current location’ in the whole ‘problem solving approach.’ Having processed our data, now we need to discuss what we have found. You are now here.
Plan Collect Process Discuss Discussion These slides present an opportunity to review and discuss the questions posed at the ‘Plan’ stage in the light of the results obtained at the ‘Process’ stage You should copy and paste the next slide (which is blank) to provide the number of slides that you need It might be useful to use these slides in conjunction with worksheets Objectives Children should learn: Activities
Discuss Plan Collect Process Objectives Children should learn: Discussion Objectives Children should learn: Activities
The Problem Solving Approach Plan Collect Process Discuss DHCycle The Problem Solving Approach You can build on the first try by continuing here... Plan Discuss Collect You are now here. Process Objectives Children should learn: Where their current task fits within the whole ‘problem solving approach’ To review their prior work. Points to note: This is the final screen, from a series of similar screens, which maps our ‘current location’ in the whole ‘problem solving approach.’ Having discussed our findings we could now start the whole cycle again. Have you got all the evidence you want?