Monday 11th June – Friday 15th June Prestatyn 2018 Monday 11th June – Friday 15th June
Salford Children’s Holiday Camp Traditional sea-side holiday Traditional camp structure Male and female dormitories separated by staff accommodation On site dining facilities Large amount of play equipment, swings, slides etc. Large open grassy area for football, rounders, tennis etc. Indoor games room for bad weather Additional staff accommodation block
This year the trip will cost £170 Cost of the trip This year the trip will cost £170 This includes: Travel and accommodation Trips to: Welsh Mountain Zoo Llandudno (including tobogganing and tubing) Greenwood Forest Park Astrobowl (10-pin bowling) Spending money
Departure Arrive at school at 10:45am, ready for an 11:00am departure. All suitcases go in the boot – keep your coach bag with you. Hand in any medication to staff, clearly labelled with name and dosage instructions. Remember to include enough travel sickness medication for all of the trips and the return journey No drinks or food permitted on the coach
What can I take? All items on the kit list are needed. Pack your camera – disposables are ideal. Hand-held games devices (PSP, Nintendo DS etc) and tablets without 3G/4G mobile internet access. MP3 players or similar Playing cards, Books, Kindle (or similar) Beware the sand... All electronic devices are brought at your own risk
What am I NOT allowed to take? Spending money – this is included in the holiday price Mobile phones Wifi / 3G /4G enabled devices Chewing gum
Daily Routine Breakfast Trip inc. packed lunch Playing out Evening meal Evening activity at camp More playing out! Supper Bed
Getting Along Children are expected to do their best to get along with each other and be supportive Good behaviour is expected just as in school Children are expected to behave respectfully with all adults in the party Poor behaviour will result in consequences and in extreme circumstances may result in a child being sent home.
Paperwork In your pack: Kit list Confirmation of attendance letter – return the slip with your deposit Itinerary Reference notes PowerPoint slides available Medical consent sent out nearer the time to ensure medication accurate
Return Journey Set off from Camp around 10:00 am Arrive back at school 11:30am – 12:00pm We will call school when we are around 30 minutes away and they will text to let you know An adult needs to collect the children and they can go straight home.
Any Questions...?