Changing Fractions to Decimals Guided Notes Name ____________________________ Date ____________________ Writing Fractions as Decimals ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Example 1: Change the following fraction to a decimal. 3 4 Terminating Decimal- __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Repeating Decimal - __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Change the fraction to a decimal. State if the decimal is terminating or repeating. Example 2: 6 5 Example 3: 1 3 Practice Change each fraction or mixed number to a decimal. State whether the decimal is terminating or repeating. 1). 1 4 2).1 7 8 3).3 3 10 4). 3 5 5). − 7 9 6). 21 22 7). 11 8 8). 8 11 TeacherTwins©2016