CompactLight WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

CompactLight WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting Avni Aksoy On behalf of WP6 Team Ankara Üni. Institute of Accelerator Tech January 25, 2018 January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Outline Introduction Tasks and deliverables Facility options Participant data Workflow Conclusion January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

WP6: start to end modelling integrated performance studies of the facility Performing start to end simulations, which cover the beam transport from the cathode to the FEL exit for Soft X-Ray & Hard X-Ray including; including Space Charge effects, Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in magnetic compressors, Wake Field effects in the X-band linac and in undulators. Providing key parameters and performance estimates of the overall facility. Definition the basis for technology choices for critical components and for developing detailed designs of subsystems and components including: accelerating structures, undulators, power sources, modulators, pulse compressors, waveguide network, instrumentation and alignment system. Mechanical tolerance studies will be also performed. it will include beam-based alignment and tuning methods that can relax tolerances. Development of tools for modeling the machine, as the basis for the final integrated performance studies. January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

WP flow chart WP6 is closely linked to WP3, WP4 and WP5. WP6 may start by receiving input from WP2. At start stage it is not necessary to combine the results of WP3, WP4 and WP5 January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Task 6.1: Study of the existing design and simulation tools for the evaluation of the facility performance. Analyse and improve their capabilities if necessary. We already started collecting the available simulation tools for the section of interest i.e. Gun&injector: 7! Parmela, Astra, GPT, Andrea’s code. . . ? Linac: 7! Placet, Elegant, GPT, LiTrack, MadX . . . ? FEL: 7! Genesis, Ginger. . . ? Other tools not related with beam dynamics in particularly RF structure optimization tools Cost optimization tool for entire facility Task 6.2: Using the above mentioned tools, design and evaluate the performance of the machine from the e-gun up to the undulator exit. By definition the facility parameters the tools will be selected and the integration will be performed with some optimization algorithm January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Example One of previous study

Deliverables brief description and month of delivery D6.1: A report providing a global analysis of the most advanced computer codes available for the facility design and performance evaluations (R, PU, M18). D6.2: Final report of the accelerator lattice and FEL design and performance (R, PU, M36). there will be internal reports as well which are going to be prepared frequently. January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Facility options January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Preliminary Parameters Unit Value Beam Energy GeV 4.2 Bunch charge pC <250 Normalize emittance μrad <0.5 Repetition rate Hz 100-1000 Undulator period mm 10 Undulator strength # 1.3 Min/Max Wavelength Nm 0.1-? Photons per pulse 10^12 Pulse bandwidth % 0.1 The parameters needs to be checked as a first ste. i.e The table shall first needs to be confirmed. For example 4.2 GeV is sufficient? January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

WP6 Participants No Participant Name Acro. Effort 1 Ankara University (Turkey) AU-IAT 12 2 Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste (Italy) ST 4 3 CERN (International) CERN Science and Technology Facilities Council-Daresbury Laboratory (UK) STFC 5 Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (Greece) IASA 6 Upsala University (Sweden) UU 7 The University of Melbourne (Australia) UoM 8 Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Australia) ANSTO 9 Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy) INFN 10 Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (Italy) ENEA 11 Consorcio para la Construccion Equipamiento y Explotacion del Laboratorio de Luz Sincrotron (Spain) ALBA-CELLS Vrije University Amsterdam (Netherlands) VU TOTAL 78 January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Tasks WP-6 can be split in to Gun & Injector S-band based Injector C-band Based Injector X-band Based Injector Thermioyonic gun based Injector Linac Sband gun + Sband Linac + Xband linearizer + .. All Xband + Optic linearizer All Xband + Kband linearizer BCs Alignment Beam Delivery FEL generation Soft X-Ray FEL Hard X-Ray FEL Integration existing facility Beam Dynamics And others i.e. Compton Back Scattering ? January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Tasks and Contributions January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Tentative work flow January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

WP6 flow chart January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting

Conclusion WP6 will mainly be doing beam dynamics and FEL generation simulations As a first step we are collecting the available simulation tools at collaborating institutions We will also collect the previous studies which are related to our WP The parameter table will quickly be checked and preliminary simulations will be prepared for sub-sections of entire facility As soon as we get feedback from WP2 the simulations will be adapted to the requirements. January 25, 2018 WP6 – Kick-Off Meeting