Карачаево-Черкесская республика
KChR Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the foothills of the northwestern Caucasus .
Bordered on the west with the Krasnodar Territory in the north of the Stavropol Territory, in the east - Kabardino-Balkaria, in the south - along the Main Caucasian ridge - with Abkhazia and Georgia. Consists of 10 municipalities - Abaza, Adyge-Hablskogo, Zelenchuk, Karachay, Malokarachaevskogo, Noghay, Kuban, Urup, Ust-Dzhegutinskij, Khabezsky and two cities of republican subordination - Karachaevsk and Cherkessk.
Most (80%), Karachay-Cherkessia is located in mountainous terrain.
Elbrus is the highest peak of the Caucasus.
The republic has an abundance of water resources: about 130 mountain lakes, many mountain waterfalls. Flow 172 rivers, of which the largest - Kuban, Greater and Lesser Zelenchuk
Nature Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the zone of mountain steppes and deciduous forests. In the forests and highlands preserve the rich flora and fauna. On the territory of the Republic are Teberdinsky Reserve and part of the Caucasian Nature Reserve.
I live in one of nogaysh auls, called Ikon-Khalk, in Karachay-Cherkessier republic. Before it named Tohtamys, in honour of one of nogaysh leaders, who called Tohtamysh. My nation is Nogay. The Nogaysh people are one of the native people, who lived in territory of nowadays Russia. We have very good relations with people of all nationalities. We are attentive to each other. Our friendship is built on the basic of kindness, tolerants and politeness. The state of Nogay formed from the Golden Horde in the 13 century. Later it was divided in two parts: Small Nogaysky Horde and Altyulsky Horde.