By Friday 8/31 For Biology Required: Two 3-subject or 1-subject spirals 8.5 x11 (150pgs) (one for each semester) Glue sticks 6+ Blue or black pen and Pencil **Box of tissue – bring to classroom** Other helpful items: Thin markers,12pk colored pencils, Small scissors, Ruler, Highlighter, Small stapler & extra staples The optional items are available in the classroom, but you will have to share, unless you bring your own.
Characteristics of Living Things
1. All Living Organisms are: Made of Cells
Two types:
2. All living things Reproduce Asexually Sexually Two Cells One Cell
Asexual vs Sexual
A clone of a flower would most likely result from which of the following reproduction? A. Asexual B. Migration C. Sexual D. Reinstalation
3. All living things Grow & Develop Change in size, shape & structure
4. Living things respond to the environment A stimulus causes a response Ex. Self-defense, survival Including homeostasis Maintaining internal conditions Ex. Temperature, water, electrolytes
5. Living things obtain and use energy Anabolism Metabolism = + Catabolism Anabolism: putting together substances to STORE or ABSORB energy Catabolism: breaking apart substances to RELEASE energy
Are Non-living things dead?
Living things can be alive or dead. Non-living things do NOT meet ALL the characteristics of life, and therefore, they are not considered alive or dead. Still vital to earth.