This bus is only located within the circuitry of the CPU. The data bus extends from the microprocessor socket to the memory sockets, where data is stored and recalled in read and write cycles. This bus allows the CPU to communicate with the internal caches of the CPU. Communication Data Bus A bus simply means a bundle of conductors, like a very short cable. Instead of a round cable, a bus on a circuit board is composed of tiny traces (conductors) lying side by side. What is a Bus?
Control Bus Communication The control bus is the connections that transfer control data and commands from the CPU to other components. Whereas data bus sends actual data that is being processed, the control bus carries signals that report the status of various devices. For example; one line of the bus is used to indicate whether the CPU is currently reading from, or writing to the main memory
All communications between individual major components is via the system bus. The bus is a cable which is capable of carrying signals representing data from one place to another. The bus within an individual computer may be specific to that computer or may increasingly be an industry standard bus. If it is an industry standard bus there are advantages in that may be easy to upgrade the computer by buying a component form an independent manufacture which can plug directly into the system bus. For example most modern PCs use the PCI bus. Communication System Bus
A collection of wires connecting the CPU with main memory that is used to identify particular locations (addresses) in main memory. The number of wires determines how many unique memory locations can be addressed. Modern PCs have as many as 36 address lines which enables them to access 64 Gigabytes of main memory. However the actually amount of memory that can be accessed is usually much less than this due to chipset and motherboard limitations. Communication Address Bus