Hannah Graham Marta Raffaelli Savannah Luna Children in Macbeth Hannah Graham Marta Raffaelli Savannah Luna
Shakespeare’s Childhood Born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon Attended school for 9 hours a day Grew up surrounded by woods, fields, and farms The 4th of 8 children
Children in Shakespearian Times Thought of as miniature adults No concept of adolescence Between ages 8-10, wealthy children started education. Poor children started working for/with family. Represent innocence and naivety
Children in Macbeth Reigning kings depended on sons to uphold family rule “A King cares for his people as a father cares for his children; and the people are supposed to act like obedient children.” Represent the future and hope for continuation Apparitions of children haunt Macbeth throughout the play
Sources Best, Michael. Internet Shakespeare Editions, University of Victoria: Victoria, BC, 2001-2010.