Mathematics/Science/Health Methods for ECE/Elem/MS Teachers Developing a Portfolio an authentic assessment tool Mathematics/Science/Health Methods for ECE/Elem/MS Teachers
Preparing a Portfolio NOTE: Have your syllabus out in front of you for this discussion! A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits academic efforts, achievement and progress over time, and which includes the student’s reflective evaluations of the work selected, based on specific standards and criteria. In this course, the Portfolio serves as the Final Evaluation (instead of an exam). It also gives you an opportunity to experience the development of an assessment portfolio, which you will undoubtedly have your own students do.
Collection Selection Reflection Preparing a Portfolio So far, you have a ‘Collection’ of all the work you have done for this class. Collection You will Select the work that you want to include, based on criteria, and audience. Selection The most significant aspect of the Portfolio is the Reflection. Reflection
Criteria -- Audience -- Preparing a Portfolio See Scoring Guide Mike and Camille, of course Possibly potential employers
Preparing a Portfolio BUT –– What does it look like? Documentation after each goal/reflection OR Documentation (evidence) all at back --Goals/Reflections all in front Goal #3 Goal #2 Goal #1 Goal #1 Goal #2 Goal #3
Where do I find evidence? Preparing a Portfolio Where do I find evidence? Notes, homework, MicroTeaching lessons, MidTerm Exam, or any other work from this class OR – Any work from any other class OR – Any other relevant documents, such as handouts from a conference.
Course Goals – the basis of the Portfolio Preparing a Portfolio Course Goals – the basis of the Portfolio To provide students with: An investigation of various methods and models for teaching science, mathematics and health to children. A study of materials, equipment, manipulatives, software and other resources for instructional applications. An opportunity to plan and deliver lessons to peers in order to gain confidence and experience. An awareness and understanding of recent curricular innovations and current instructional issues. An examination of the interaction between content areas with an emphasis on interdisciplinary teaching.
Preparing a Portfolio Your Portfolio will document your growth over time: • Might show improvement in writing learning objectives • Might document improvement in MicroTeaching skills • Might demonstrate increased knowledge of resources
Preparing a Portfolio Your Portfolio will document your progress toward meeting two or more course goals -- in EITHER: • Mathematics • Science, or • Health
Two Most Common Ways to Score Poorly on a Portfolio: Preparing a Portfolio Two Most Common Ways to Score Poorly on a Portfolio: -- or -- “How to Earn a C–” Fail to provide precise reasons for selecting a piece of evidence. (Don’t expect US to figure it out.) Fail to provide a clear plan for future professional development.