How to break The standard down Read standard in your KWL sheet Circle the verbs (these are the words you will need to do) Underline the nouns (this is what you need to know)
The Basics of Cell Theory and Cell Types
Use this to take notes on the videos
The Wacky history of the cell theory
The development of the microscope led to the discovery of cells. Early Discoveries The development of the microscope led to the discovery of cells. In 1665, Robert Hooke discovered cork was made up of little empty boxes which he called cells.
Development of the Cell Theory Schleiden discovered that all plants are made of cells. Schwann discovered that all animals are made of cells. Virchow discovered that all cells come from other cells.
All organisms are made up of one or more cells. What is the Cell Theory? All organisms are made up of one or more cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all organisms. All cells come from cells that already exist.
Cells come in a variety of sizes and shapes. How Cells Differ Cells come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The structure or shape of the cell can determine what its function is.
Cell Types Prokaryotic Cells: Have no membrane around their hereditary material. Example: Bacteria Eukaryotic Cells: Have a membrane that surrounds the hereditary material = the nucleus. Example: Animals and Plants
Glue note page into your ISN End Day 1 Glue note page into your ISN
What developments led to the development of the cell theory? Bell Ringer Day 2 What developments led to the development of the cell theory?
Mr. Parr Cells from other cells GxoQ3HQFPlJgBoOc4dVjT61WK
Homeostasis Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism or environment to maintain stability in spite of changes.
Easier explanation as it applies to us
Homeostasis Lab
Balance on one foot for 2 minutes. Warm Up Balance on one foot for 2 minutes.
What happened to you during this activity? Warm Up What happened to you during this activity? Did it get more difficult to balance as time went on? What did you want to do?
Jumping Jacks Data- set up on page Heart Rate 15 seconds Heart Rate for 1 minute At Rest Immediately 2 minutes 4 minutes
Put 2 fingers on your carotid artery in your neck. How to take your pulse Put 2 fingers on your carotid artery in your neck. You will feel a thumping. Count the number of times it thumps. Take your pulse for 15 seconds. You will multiply it by 4 to get your pulse rate for one minute.
Do jumping jacks for one minute. Take your pulse for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 to get your pulse for 1 minute. Wait 2 minutes, then take your pulse again. Wait 4 minutes, then take your pulse again. Wait 6 minutes, then take your pulse again.
Jumping Jacks Question Did you notice your heart rate when it went down? What do you think your body is doing to get your heart rate back to homeostasis?
I will turn the lights down for one minute. Light Activity I will turn the lights down for one minute. Then when I turn the lights on, look at the pupils in your neighbor’s eyes. Did they get bigger or smaller? How quickly did they dilate? How quickly do they return to normal size?
Summarize today’s lesson in 25 words. No more, No less. End Day 2 Exit Slip Summarize today’s lesson in 25 words. No more, No less.