Mrs. Rotker’s S.A.T. 2 Words
squander – tr. v. To spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate
morose – adj. -Sullenly melancholy; gloomy
repose – n. The act of resting or the state of being at rest repose – n. The act of resting or the state of being at rest. Freedom from worry; peace of mind.
virulent – adj. Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous virulent – adj. Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous. Used of a disease or toxin.
novice – n. - A person new to a field or activity; a beginner
lethargy – n. - A state of sluggishness, inactivity, and apathy
precocious – adj. - Manifesting or characterized by unusually early development or maturity, esp. in mental aptitude
spontaneous – adj. - Happening or arising without apparent external cause; self-generated.
ostentatious – adj. - Characterized by or given to ostentation; pretentious
obscure – adj. - Deficient in light; dark obscure – adj. - Deficient in light; dark. So faintly perceptible as to lack clear delineation; indistinct. Indistinctly heard; faint.