Money Habitudes
Money Habitudes What are your first money memories? How did you get money as a child? As a teenager? What did you do with the money as a child? As a teenager? What messages did you get as a kid about earning, spending, saving, and giving? What was your first big purchase? What is your worst fear concerning money?
Avoid being like this guy…
A fun and easy way to understand your money personality What is a Habitude? A fun and easy way to understand your money personality A “habitude” is a combination of a “habit” (automatic reaction) and an “attitude” (automatic thought or feeling).
Examples of a habitude about dogs Pat grew up with a dog and loved playing with it. Now when he sees a dog, his attitude is to be happy and his habit is to pet it. Mike, however, was bitten by a dog as a child. Now his attitude is that he feels afraid when he sees a dog and his habit is to cross the street and avoid it.
Examples of a habitude about money Ryan’s family encouraged him to save half of his allowance and cash gifts. Now when he gets his paycheck or a bonus, his attitude is that he should save part of it and his habit is that he has part of it automatically deposited into an investment account. On the other hand, Lacey’s mom always took any cash gifts Lacey received and never gave her money, even when she promised to pay her for doing chores. Now when Lacey gets money, her attitude is that she fears it will be taken away from her, so her habit is to hide it from her husband or spend it right away.
The 6 Most Common Patterns of Habits and Attitudes Money Habitude? Message is money is used to… Giving Help others Planning Act intentionally Security Stay safe and secure Spontaneous Enjoy the moment Status Make a good impression Carefree Not be a priority
Habitude Overview Everyone is a combination. There is no “perfect” combination. Every habitude is good. Overusing or underusing any habitude can be challenging. Your habitudes can change over time depending on circumstances or your intentionality. Many people have one or two habitudes that are dominant.
Exercise in Money Habitudes Each person gets a deck 8 yellow cards 3 white cards That’s not me! That’s me! That’s sometimes me…or That’s partially true. 54 white statement cards cards
Debrief Questions How do you feel about your dominant habitude type? What were a few of the statements that described you? Did any make you think of a family member or friend? Do you see yourself in any of the other types? What habitude do you use when you feel good? Stressed? What situations or stressors cause you to switch to a different habitude? How do your habitudes complement or conflict with friends or family?
Resources Create a budget – Dave Ramsey 70% of people live paycheck to paycheck Save – Make a plan & Stick to it 25% of Americans have no savings Research scholarships and work Church, civic, and community organizations Campus work or work-study
What are some takeaways from learning about your habitudes?
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