Ceremony location and start time Line up and marching instructions Attire Placement and Pictures Name recognition
Osceola Heritage Park, Silver Spurs Arena Report to the North Lobby of the Silver Spurs Arena by 9:00 a.m. The ceremony begins promptly at 10:00 a.m. The ceremony will last approximately 2 ½ hours
You should have received your parking pass. If you have not, the parking pass can be printed from the graduation home page at valenciacollege.edu/graduation Make sure the permit is prominently displayed on your vehicles as well as on your guests dashboard You will be directed to park in the areas specifically designated for graduates
Business - Church Men A collared shirt and dress pants (tie optional) Dress shoes (no sneakers or flip flops) Women Dress or blouse and slacks/skirt Low heeled or flat shoes are highly recommended If you choose to wear platform or stilettos, break them in before the ceremony
Your cap and gown are made from an environmentally friendly fabric that will decompose in soil in one year. Arrive with your cap and gown on or ready to be put on. Tassel is worn on the right side until the degree is conferred. Its your day – style is up to you.
Blue cards - cumulative GPA of 3.75 You may wear a Red stole in recognition of your academic achievement. Green cards -Bachelor Students Bachelor Program Participants – Gold Stole Honors Program Participants – Royal Blue Clubs and Organization – Stoles and Cords vary in Color Stole of Appreciation – Black with Valencia Logo.
Line-up will begin at 9:00 a.m. Once in line dont allow anyone to break the line. Bachelor Graduates will march in first Processional will start at 10:00 a.m. Valencia Student Development Coordinators will serve as your Marshals You will be directed when to march and where to be seated for the ceremony
The only items you should have with you are a photo ID that you can properly secure on your person and your name card. There are no dressing rooms There is no area to store personal items It is important that you are dressed in your cap and gown when you report to the North Lobby. A plan to meet your guests in a designated space outside the arena
The Processional: Platform Party Faculty Graduates
You will enter from the West Side of the Arena. Youll be divided into four lines on the red carpet Stay on the red carpet! Student Marshals will guide you down the aisle and into your seating row. Enter the row, go to the next available seat and be seated immediately. Do not leave any vacant seats!
Grad Images is the name of the Photographer that will take your picture with President Shugart Guests will not be permitted on the Arena floor Guests may take photographs of the graduates only from their seats
Photographers proofs will be sent to address on you indicate on your card within 72 hours of the ceremony You may order pictures through Grad Images There is no video of the ceremony. The ceremony is being streamed live:
Keep your tassel out of your face Pause and smile with the President Allow the president to position you Accept your diploma in your left hand and remember to shake with your right hand.
All guests older than 9 months of age are required to have a ticket to enter the Arena Each graduate will receive four (4) tickets Remember Live webcast URL
The ceremony marks a significant achievement for all of you; in light of that we ask you to remind your guests to dress appropriately and to honor all graduates by remaining quiet throughout the ceremony so that everyone can hear the program participants.
You will be directed to stand for The Pledge of Allegiance. Men should remove their caps for the Pledge of Allegiance and keep them off until asked to stand in preparation for the conferring of the degrees Women should keep their caps on at all times
The President will greet you and your guests There will be recognition of the faculty and staff followed by the commencement address Your distinguished graduate speech President Shugart will ask you to stand and the BOT chairperson will confer the degrees. Marshals will direct you when to stand to move to the staging area. Pay attention to what is being saidthis is YOUR big moment!
The Marshal will walk row by row and give a signal to move toward the platform area Students enter the right side of the stage and exit the left side of the stage As you move to the platform area, be prepared to hand your name card to the reader As your name is read you will be greeted by the platform party usually consisting of the chairperson of the Board of Trustees, the Chief Learning Office, and President. They will give you a congratulatory handshake and hand you your diploma cover.
Accept the diploma cover in your left hand and shake with your right hand. President Shugart will be at the end of the stage. He will shake your hand (left over right). Remember to take a moment to allow the photographer to take your picture as President Shugart shakes your hand; he will help pose the picture. Pause and look at the camera.
Once you receive your diploma cover move off the stage to the photographers area on the Arena floor. After your second picture you will need to follow the directions of the floor marshals to your row and be seated. Do not wait on others in your row before being seated.
Audience will be asked to remain seated The Platform Party The Faculty The Graduates
Be sure to move completely off the Arena floor and proceed out of the building Guests to remain in their seats or respective areas until all of the graduates have marched out of the building
Student Development, the Alumni Association, and the Valencia Foundation Challenge raise money for scholarships Graduates donate in honor of their graduating year, You will receive a limited edition lapel pin. Bonus: If the graduation class meets its goal, the Alumni Association will try and add to the contributions. Donations
Dress for the ceremony and the weather Arrive at the Silver Spurs Arena by 9:00 a.m. Your guests must each have a ticket Stay on the red carpet Pay close attention to the Marshals Give your name card to the reader Remember the delay
Shake with your right hand and accept your diploma cover with your left hand Be respectful of your fellow graduates and ask your guests to do the same Enjoy your dayyou are celebrating a great accomplishment! accomplishment
Share Your Graduation Experiences via Twitter #valenciacollege2013
See you Saturday May 4 th at Commencement!