Multiple sequence alignment and analysis of SOFL proteins.


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Multiple sequence alignment and analysis of SOFL proteins. Multiple sequence alignment and analysis of SOFL proteins. (a) Illustration showing the topology of SOFL proteins. Purple rectangular blocks represent the two conserved domains, SOFL-A and SOFL-B. (b) Partial N-terminal amino acid sequence alignment of Arabidopsis thaliana SOFL proteins. The alignment was obtained using JalView Probcons with Defaults program (Malek 2001; Zhang 2003). Semi-conserved amino acids are indicated with a light purple shade. Conserved amino acids are indicated by a darker purple shade. Red squares indicate amino acid residues that were selected for site-directed mutagenesis. WebLogo© analysis of conserved, (c) SOFL-A domain, and (d) SOFL-B domain, using all 289 SOFL protein sequences (Lin and Hu 2013). Red asterisk denotes 100% conserved amino acid residues among all 289 SOFL sequences. Reuben Tayengwa et al. G3 2018;8:1281-1290 ©2018 by Genetics Society of America