28th WORKING GROUP GROUNDWATER PLENARY MEETING Groundwater Watch List Dr. Rüdiger Wolter Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) ruediger.wolter@uba.de BRUSSELS, 14-15 APRIL 2015
28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14. /15 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Background of the activity is addressed in recital (4) of the groundwater directive: (4) The need to obtain and respond to new information on other substances posing a potential risk should be acknowledged. Therefore, a watch list for pollutants of groundwater should be established ……………. to increase the availability of monitoring data on substances posing a risk or potential risk to bodies of groundwater, and thereby facilitate the identification of substances, including emerging pollutants, for which groundwater quality standards or threshold values should be set. This is a voluntary activity of the Member States . Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Results of the meeting in ROM and next steps: Groundwater Watch List: Agreement upon step by step approach Starting with pilot data collection (pharmaceuticals) ü Discussion about findings and elaboration of a procedure for the next steps at the next meeting (this meeting) Revised paper on CIRCABC ü Comments to revised paper + template by 7th Nov. 2014 to Rüdiger ü Data provision at the latest mid Feb 2015 ü Group of volunteers Rob Ward, Ian Davy, Laurence Gourcy, Sarah Bonneville, Wilko Verwij, Ralph Eppinger, Robert Loos, Elisabetta Preziosi, Jonathan Smith, Dennis Lemke Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Data on pharmaceuticals in groundwater: Until the 10th April 2015 we got an answer from eight countries. Six (five EU MS) delivered data on pharmaceuticals in groundwater. For 2 countries no data were available. It was announced that a monitoring campaign will start in 2015 in one of these countries. Comments to revised paper + template: From 8 organisations/stakeholders (16 persons) we received about 82 comments or remarks Thank you to all for your comments!! Several comments indirectly referred to the “Surface Water Watch List”. To be clear, a preselection of substances by modelling is not planned for the “Groundwater Watch List”. As discussed and agreed in Rom the procedure to derive a “Ground Water Watch List” should not be mixed up with the procedure applied for the “Surface Water Watch List”. BUT: We should discuss what we can learn from the “Surface Water Watch List”. Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
First results of the pilot data collection: 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 First results of the pilot data collection: Substance or metabolite Total number of sites Member States Carbamazepine 2662 6 Sulfamethoxazole 1335 Bezafibrate 922 5 Diclofenac 2125 Gemfibrozil 284 Ketoprofene 321 Trimethoprime 603 Clarithromycin 415 4 Erythromycin 446 Ibuprofen 1039 Iopromide 522 Metoprolol 957 Naproxene 573 Paracetamol 227 Propranolol 536 Sulfadiazine 515 Six countries reported the monitoring results of 171 different pharmaceuticals (human, veterinary, degradation products, X-ray contrast agents). 76 substances were analysed in two or more countries. 16 substances were analysed in four or more countries. Tab. 1 gives a first overview of pharmaceuticals which are expected to be “of interest” for most of the countries. Tab. 1: Pharmaceuticals in groundwater - analyzed in four or more countries Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Tab 2. shows the pharmaceuticals most frequently found in groundwater 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Tab. 2: Pharmaceuticals most frequently found in groundwater Substance or metabolite Total number of sites Member State sites detection > LOQ in % Carbamazepine 2662 6 218 8,2 Amidotrizoic acid 648 3 64 9,9 Sulfamethoxazole 1335 55 4,1 Diclofenac 2125 5 26 1,2 Iopamidol 711 2 24 3,4 Primidon 479 21 4,4 Clofibrinsäure 1570 1,3 Phenazon 726 2,9 Tramadol 183 10 5,5 Paracetamol 227 4 9 4,0 Pentox(i)yfyllin 605 1,5 Ibuprofen 1039 8 0,8 4-Formylaminoantipyrin 137 7 5,1 Sulfadimidine 191 3,1 Propyphenazon 805 0,7 Epoxycarbamazepine 32 1 18,8 Amidotrizoate 20,8 N-Acetyl-4-aminoantipyrin 129 3,9 Oxcarbazepin 425 Sotalol 728 0,5 We assume that countries have used the maximum concentration observed for the assignment if a site is analysed more than once a year. 48 from 171 substances analysed could be found at one or more sites in a concentration above the limit of quantification (LOQ). Tab 2. shows the pharmaceuticals most frequently found in groundwater Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Substance or metabolite Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Tab. 3: Pharmaceutical exceeding a concentration level of 0.1 µg/l in groundwater. Substance or metabolite Total number of sites Member State sites detection > LOQ sites detection > 0.1 µg/l Carbamazepine 2662 6 218 49 Amidotrizoic acid 648 3 64 15 Diclofenac 2125 5 26 11 Primidon 479 21 10 Clofibrinsäure 1570 2 Pentox(i)yfyllin 605 9 Sulfamethoxazole 1335 55 4 Iopamidol 711 24 Phenazon 726 Metformin 190 1 Gabapentin 151 Ibuprofen 1039 8 Propyphenazon 805 Amidotrizoate N-Acetyl-4-aminoantipyrin 129 Sulfadiazine 515 Several comments stated to refer findings to existing health, ecological or other quality criteria. For pharmaceuticals in the “Revised guideline on environmental impact assessment for veterinary medicine products” a limit concentration of 0.1 μg/l for groundwater is mentioned. 16 pharmaceuticals exceed this criterion at one or more groundwater monitoring sites. Is this already a watch list?? Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 The list is based on data from 6 countries only, additional results should be added to the summary to get a (more) representative overview and criteria for selection and identification of substances have to be discussed and agreed upon within WG GW. The discussion will refer to the comments, received so far. Different topics will have to be discussed, because in some cases there are different opinions or understandings or open questions. Topics for discussion will be: Structure of the template (referring to other substances than pharmaceuticals), Additional data on LOD/LOQ, Details on monitoring programs or sites, Quality of monitoring data, Criteria for an (additional) selection of substances ?? Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Some comments and replies: In some comments it was stressed to reduce the substances taken into account. E.g. only substances that pose a risk for receptors as defined in WFD and GWD should be looked at. Other comments did not agree and stated that there could be other reasons to identify a substance or group of substance as relevant for groundwater. Therefore we should collect and summarize all the monitoring data available in the first step of the process. Comment: Are the intervals (e.g. <LOQ, >LOQ – 0.05 µg/l ……..) used in the questionnaire suitable for all substances? Reply: It could be better to adapt the classes with respect to different groups of substances. Which intervals should be chosen has to be discussed according to the group of substances requested. Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Substance or metabolite Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Comment: Classes/Classification of findings should not refer to concentration classes in the questionnaire but refer to LOQmax, percentage of quality criteria (1, 10, 100, 1000, 10.000%) or percentage of LOQmax. Reply: LOQs for the same substance may be different for different analytical methods, differ between different laboratories and may change over time. QS often not available. LOQ for Carbamazepin between 0.0004 and 0.02 µg/l Substance or metabolite Total number of sites below limit of quantification (LOQ) detection > LOQ to 0,05 µg/l detection > 0,05 to 0,1 µg/l detection > 0,1 bis 1,0 µg/l detection > 1,0 bis 3,0 µg/l detection > 3,0 bis 10,0 µg/l detection > 10,0 µg/l Carbamazepine 2662 2444 147 22 28 13 4 Quality Standard = 0.1 µg/l Total number of sites up to 1 % of QS 1 to 10 % of QS 10 to100% of QS 100 to 1000 % 0f QS 1000 to 10000% of QS > 10000% of QS New classes in µg/l 2662 0 – 0.001 µg/l >0,001-0,01 µg/l 0,01-0.1 µg/l 0.1-1.0 µg/l 1.0-10µg/l >10 µg/l Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Comment: Classification of individual sites should not refer to the maximum concentration at a site but to the median concentration over a large geographic area. Local point source impacts with high concentrations are pretty irrelevant if we are assessing the EU-wide impact on groundwater. Reply: Local high concentrations are very important in groundwater. They are a first indication of “emerging contaminations” under comparable situations. Many groundwater monitoring sites are analyzed only once per year and thus the calculation of a mean value is not possible in these cases. Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Comment: How frequently should data be collected? Once a year? Reply: The collection, summary and assessment of monitoring data as well as the revision of monitoring programs is a time consuming process. It has to be discussed how we can organize this process and who will do the work in the future? The interval of data collection could be every two or three years for specific groups of substances. Comments: Only data from representative monitoring programs or representative sites should be taken into account. What means representative? Many substances – in particular emerging substances – are analysed at only very few sites. All data available should be taken into account. Due to the long residence time in groundwater it has to be expected that emerging substances can be found in the beginning at only very view sites with specific conditions (e.g. short residence time, poorly protected aquifers, conditions in the catchment area). It is important to consider data from these “specific sites” as well. Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Comment: What additional data are necessary (red/ox conditions at (each) site, depth of sampling, land use and thickness of the unsaturated zone)? At what step of the process do we need this information? Reply: At the very first step (collection an summary of monitoring data) there seems to be no need to collect additional data. In a later stage additional data are helpful/necessary. They might help to select specific substances or groups of substances for the final watch list. How can we integrate data on semi quantitative analysis (e.g. GC-MS and LC-MS analysis)?? Reply: ??? Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List
Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List 28th Working Group Groundwater Plenary Meeting – Brussels 14./15. April 2015 Next steps: Organisation of a meeting of the group of Volunteers? Discussion of findings of the pilot data collection and comments received Adaptation of data collection template, Issues to be discussed: Feedback from MS (list of substances - monitoring campaign). Development of criteria for assessing the relevance of substances concerning groundwater (e.g. concentration level, spatial extent of occurrence, temporal scale, ….) How to classify substances that cannot be analysed (missing analytical methods) or substance specific data (e.g. ecotox, persistence …. ) are not available. Selection criteria for groups of substances for data collection ? (which – PFOS?). How to deal with substances which are not analysed in ground water up to now? Additional results should be added to the summary list and presented at the next meeting. …….. Rüdiger Wolter – Groundwater Watch List