Required paperwork for Spring Ball We are going to front load all paper work this year to relieve some stress. This will help ASB clear players faster in August This is your fall paper work!!! You only need to fill it out one time. Once you fill out for spring you are done. You don’t need to do it again You are going to have to go online to the Timberline High School Website and download the football and district paperwork in order to be cleared for Spring Ball. Make sure to read everything!!! There is more then just the packet. We are treating Spring Ball just like regular season You will need a current physical as well. You WILL NOT have to pay the $125, $30 ASB or your Fines until August. But paperwork must be in! Included with the packet will be your TEAM camp registration and deposit ($100) or full payment ($290).If you pay online attach proof. All paperwork must be complete in order to participate in TEAM camp and Spring Ball. Players will not get gear unless they are cleared through ASB/Athletics. ALL THESE FORMS MUST BE TURNED IN TO Ms. Parret NO later than May 27th.