Mrs. Claycombs First Grade Orientation Two SculptorsUnknown Author Claycomb Charms
Lunch Money: $2.10 Milk:$.50 Pin# Checks: Spring Grove Area School District or Debit System (Pre-pay online) Needs: bookbag, lunch box, pencil box, pencils, magnet (NO pencil sharpeners) Homework Folder: take home/bring back Emergency Information Forms return ASAP (Hand in tonight!) First five days of school name/bus tag
Letters/Updates Sent home on Fridays/Mondays School Phone Number office ext my ext School School Website
Our Five Classroom Rules Speak and act kindly Make our school neat and clean Always listen with respect Respect each others space Take time to walk quietly in the hall Classroom Discipline Plan Four Fish Letter to sign Positive Guidance (individual and class) Review School Handbook
10/15 Minutes a Day: Homework Folder Mon.,Tues., Wed., and Thurs. Worksheet, flashcards, word ring Paperbooksput in a shoebox Due the next school day. (unless a note) Homework Sheet: Please sign!
Day 1: Technology Day 2: Wellness Day 3: Fitness (sneakers, please!) Day 4: Music Day 5: Library (2 books) Day 6: Art
-Writing -Bookshelf items and pictures -Secret Reader (clearances) EXTRAS: - Excuse Cards -Medication:Dr.s note and adult handling -SAVE Box Tops and Campbell labels -Donations: snacks, hand sanitizers/ wipes, zip lock baggies, prize box items, tissues -Book orders: checks made payable to Scholastic Book Club or online -Custody Orders (hand in to office)
Phonics: -Practice sounds of letters (beg./end.) -Vowels (short vowels, then long vowels) -Digraphs (ch, sh, th, wh)/ Blends (st, bl, tr…) -Phonics Dance -Rhyming Reading: -Word Rings (sight words) -READ to and with your child -Comprehension: Retelling (story elements) -Point to words - NEW Reading Series -Reading Groups Writing: Write a story with a beginning and ending sentences supported with (4) details.
Handwriting: - Practice forming small and upper case letters FIRST GRADE STYLE (see attached) - Topsy Top, Mopsy Middle, Bottom Baseline Spelling: -Rebecca Sitton Words (see attached) -Word Lists (September) -Inventive Spelling Math: Number Identification (1-100) Counting/Writing/Sequencing to 100 Data and Graphing Place Value: Tens and Ones (21= 2 tens and 1 one) Addition/Subtraction (1 to 10) Money and Telling Time (to hour and half hour) Problem Solving (Why and How) Measurement and Geometry Fractions and Probability
Science: Series: FOSS (Full Option Science System) Balance and MotionNew Plants Social Studies: Going to School Good Citizens The Land Around Us Looking Back Learning Centers : Hands-on learning! Reading, writing, math, science/social studies Important Dates: -Week of September 24 th -Have lunch with your 1 st grader! -September 26 th - School Pictures -Math Night in Oct. (go over progress reports and assessments, too) -Parent Conferences-Nov /First Report Card in December -3 Report Cards (Dec, March, June)/ Trimesters
Wanted: parent Volunteers volunteer packets, clearances, TB test Thank you for showing that you care about your childs education! You are the sculptor, too!!