Jacob Lawrence Painter who chronicled the experiences of the Great Migration through art.
Migration During the World War there was a great migration North by Southern blacks.
Family and Community The strength of family and community bonds was tested by the many threats to healthy living that the migrants encountered in the urban North.
Education In the North they had better educational facilities.
Neighborhood During the 1920s and 1930s, as a result of the combined forces of the Great Migration, the Jazz Age, and the Harlem Renaissance, Harlem blossomed into a community with a strong and unique identity.
Injustice Among the social conditions that existed, which was partly the cause of the migration, was the injustice done to the blacks in the court.
Discrimination They also found discrimination in the North although it was much different from that which they had known in the South.
Struggle Many white workers in the North feared the competition for jobs that was created by the migration of blacks from the South.
North/South Many northern blacks also felt that southern migrants would not "fit in" in northern urban life. They often urged newcomers to exchange their rural dress and manners for more "acceptable" behavior and styles.
Labor Railroad companies regularly issued their employees passes for free travel, and many southern blacks used their passes to migrate north.
Woman Workers The female worker was also one of the last groups to leave the South.
For More Information…. Visit the website http://www.whitney.org/jacoblawrence/index.html