PIXEL patch efficiency Update of friday’s meeting. 2 configurations of pixel sectors (3 out of 10) are studied for reconstruction of low or high Pt D0’s. we looked at the normalized distributions (Pt,) of the parent D0 for different cuts on the Pt of their daughters. patch: triangle patch: joined 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Simulation Generate 100k D0 with : Flat Pt in [0,5], ||<3,|Vz|<10 cm Use only fz file --> no reconstruction, etc … Count : NN : # of D0 input N0 : # of D0 after Pt cut for both daughters and|| <1 N1 : # of D0 with above cuts + TPC>10,PXL=2 N2 : # of D0 in triangle configuration N3 : # of D0 in joined configuration Then : Efficiency triangle config. = N2 / N1 Efficiency joined config. = N3 / N1 etc … 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Summary of plots Slide 4 : phase space of D0 generated with Starsim : NN Slide 5-7 : application of cut | |<1 and Pt of daughters : N0 Slide 8-10 : application of cut | |<1 , TPC>10, PIXL=2, and Pt of daughters : N1 Slide 11-12 : application of cut | |<1 , TPC>10, PIXL=2, and Pt of daughters and patch triangle : N2 Slide 13-14 : application of cut | |<1 , TPC>10, PIXL=2, and Pt of daughters and patch joined : N3 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Phase space : input (NN) Pt and of the D0’s with Starsim Uniform distributions 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut on daughters : ||<1 , Pt>0.3(N0) 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut on daughters : ||<1 , Pt>0.8 (N0) 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut on daughters : ||<1 distributions have the same shape. the cut Pt>.8 removes entries around Pt ~ 1GeV 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut on daughters : ||<1 , Pt>0.3, TPC>10,PIXL=2(N1) 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut on daughters : ||<1 , Pt>0.8, TPC>10,PIXL=2(N1) 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut on daughters:||<1,TPC>10,PIXL=2 and Pt distributions have similar shapes than in slide 7. TPC and PIXEL hits cuts just gives a “usable” number of D0’s for this study (same cuts are applied in BFC reconstruction), it does not change the kinematics of the D0’s. 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut :||<1, TPC>10,PIXL=2, patch=triangle(N2) Pt(daughters)>.3 Pt(daughters)>.8 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut on daughters :||<1, TPC>10,PIXL=2, patch=triangle The cut at Pt>.8 removes more entries for Pt~1GeV/c. 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut :||<1, TPC>10,PIXL=2, patch=joined(N3) Pt(daughters)>.3 Pt(daughters)>.8 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Cut :||<1, TPC>10,PIXL=2,patch=joined The D0’s Pt distribution is not sensible to the cut on the daughters Pt with this PIXL configuration. 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Next : What is the best configuration ? optimization Run BFC chain (reconstruction) over existing production with patches. Do the simulation with run 13 : agml Try to optimize the tracker because we do expect bad performances with TPC+PIXL (searchWindow parameters, to check with StiPulls) 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Item 1. :Optimization wrt TPC sectors TPC has 12 sectors PIXEL has 10 sectors 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Item 2. : reconstruction with BFC Option 1 : mask the pixel Hits in the FastSimMaker (ready) Run the BFC with no reconstruction in SSD (then no tracking) and no tracking in IST This will allow us to use the old fz already previous Cons : It will not be as the real situation since the material of SSD,IST will be taken into account Option 2 : Modify the geometry in GEANT to have the desired pixel geometry + no SSD, no IST (done in starsim) Generate fz files Run BFC Require a bit more work but precise material. 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance
Option 1. Only pixelHits that satisfy the condition for this configuration (based on their ladder and layer number Option 2. Upgr15 modified 10/11/14 HFT patch acceptance