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Presentation transcript:

Making relationships prompts This is a useful prompt to ensure that making relationships is covered and taught effectively towards the 40-60 month age band.

Have a variety of turn taking games available for the children to use independently and rotate games weekly. At each station in the setting leave sand timers (varied times depending on activity e.g. 5 minute timer for the computer area) to encourage independent sharing and turn taking. As the children begin to become familiar with the behavioural expectations set with their setting add class tick lists at each station. Encourage the children to self select activities sand tick their name to encourage independent sharing. Team building skills are essential to form any relationship with peers. Create challenge cards and questions in each area of the learning environment e.g. Can you write a card to your friend? and place into the challenge box (co-ordinate the colour challenge cards to go with a coloured challenge box). This will extend the children's learning and encourage them to work together. During whole class sessions designate planned ‘talk partners’ (confident speaker with a less confident speaker) so that the children have a balanced mix of child interaction. Set up an adult led challenge each week e.g. Can you build a raft? Create challenge groups (differentiated group) and allow each group to try and complete the challenge each day. This will encourage children to take into account each other’s ideas and organise their activity. Making Relationships Initiates conversations, attends to and takes account of what others say. Explains own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others. Takes steps to resolve conflicts with other children e.g. finding a compromise. When working with the children ensure to join in with their play. Model the correct language, vocabulary and questions. The more the children are exposed to this the more they will begin to use it in their everyday narrative.