An Introduction To VDEM VDEM Director of External Affairs Jeff Caldwell VDEM Director of External Affairs 804-897-9730
WHO WE ARE: VDEM works with local government, state and federal agencies and voluntary organizations to provide resources and expertise through the five mission areas of emergency management: Prevention Protection Mitigation Response Recovery To learn more about ways VDEM is working to improve disaster preparedness, response and recovery, visit
VDEM’s Impact on Virginia Statewide Emergency Response Programs HAZMAT, Search and Rescue, Emergency Support for localities $20 million in grants for Virginia $6 million general fund budget $3 million in special funds Completed 375 Public Assistance grants through FEMA to help Virginia localities Paid out $33 million in federal and state disaster assistance
STATUTORY AUTHORITY (VA Code Ann. § 44-146.18) Originally created in 1973 Tasked with Protecting the Commonwealth from natural and man-made disasters Works with local, state, federal agencies and voluntary organizations to provide resources during an emergency Governor is Virginia’s chief disaster officer, delegated authority to VDEM State Coordinator to run day-to-day operations during emergency events All state agencies and resources are subject to being called in to respond to disaster situations
Virginia Is Impacted By All Hazards
During a Disaster Local Governments: Restore/provide essential/vital services. Water Power Communications Transportation Shelter Medical Care Assist individuals and families in need Request help from the state when needed
During a Disaster (cont.) VDEM: Responds to requests from local governments Commits state resources such as the National Guard Reviews local assessments to determine if requirements exceed state capabilities Local situation reports Local initial damage assessment reports State agencies damage assessment reports Other damage and situational information
During a Disaster (cont.) VDEM: Determines if a State of Emergency needs to be declared VEOC assessment of impact Draft Executive Order Governor declares State of Emergency Requests federal assistance VEOC summary of impact on localities Need for federal resources to recover. FEMA determines need for military resources
What Most People Don’t Know About VDEM Responsible for HAZMAT training and response to HAZMAT spills Coordinates search and rescue operations statewide including more than 600 SAR volunteers Manages Virginia’s 7 technical and urban search and rescue teams in cooperation with Virginia Dept. of Fire Programs Coordinates sending Virginia resources and personnel to other states to respond to major disasters through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact.
PLANNING: OPS/STRATEGIC PLAN Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan (COVEOP) Local Planning Assistance Continuity of Government/Operations Flood planning
VDEM’s 7 Regions Regions provide single source of communication between agency and localities Coordination of state assets
REGIONAL TEAM CONCEPT Coordination of state assets Regions provide single source of communication between agency and localities Cross-training to ensure cohesion, redundancy and continuity of operations Enhanced situational awareness and reporting Quick, integrated response during emergencies Fully leverage grant funding and promote sustainability Identify and plan for evolving threats and hazards
SITUATIONAL AWARENESS UNIT 24-hour operations State warning point Multiple and redundant communications Alerting and warning systems Mobile capabilities
Virginia Emergency Support Team Coordinate support for events, disasters and emergencies throughout the Commonwealth More than 400 trained members State agencies Non-profit organizations Private partners Federal partners
Recovery and Mitigation Joint Field Office (JFO) near disaster site to implement federal and state assistance programs State-Federal JFO staff State Coordinating Officer Federal Coordinating Officer State staff deployed to JFO State Disaster Recovery Task Force activation Managed grant programs to mitigate more than 1,300 properties in the last 15 years
External Affairs Strategic communication and outreach Agency awareness Emergency public information Preparedness campaigns Intergovernmental affairs Local and state Elected Officials outreach Legislation impact analysis
For more information, visit Questions? Jeff Caldwell (804) 897-9730 For more information, visit Twitter: @VDEM