Tuesday-November 29th, 2011 FIND A PARTNER AND SIT WITH THEM. What is an extremophile? What is the difference between the independent and dependent variable in an experiment? Announcements: Presentations on Friday Lab continues on Thursday Test on Thursday-December 15th, 2011
Brine shrimp photo from top down Hatch-a-Cyst Lab Brine shrimp photo from top down
Brine Shrimp Background Tiny crustaceans that live in salt water Females reproduce in two ways: Favorable Conditions: Produce live embryos Stressful Conditions: Produce dormant cysts Cysts remain dormant for years or until conditions improve Each fall, fisherman collect and sell cysts Generates $40-60 million in revenue Fed to fish and shellfish
Brine Shrimp Life Cycle
Great Salt Lake MapView
Great Salt Lake Satellite View
Great Salt Lake
What are some of the abiotic factors of the Great Salt Lake? Salinity Light Amount UV Exposure pH (Acidity) Temperature Oxygen Levels (dissolved) Pollution WHICH FACTOR WILL YOU CHANGE (I.V.)?
Abiotic Factors to Vary (How and Why) Salinity Add or remove salt Optimum salinity is 9% Light Use foil, paper or fabrics to cover Attracted to light UV Exposure UV Light Hatch at high elevation levels pH Vinegar and Baking Soda Effects separation from embryos Temperature Sunlight or Refrigerator Tolerate various temperatures Oxygen Levels Seal the container Do not need much oxygen Pollution Insecticides and Rubbing Alcohol Runoff
For this lab, you will…. Alter one condition of the Brine Shrimp’s environment to see how this effects the cyst’s hatch rate. You will create a control (baseline) You will create an experimental condition (alter one factor) You will compare the results to measure a difference
Today you and a partner will…. Write up the experimental design Submit your write up to Mr. Price for approval Design a data table to record your results Come up w/a rough draft of a graph to display results You will measure your success by dividing the amount of cysts introduced by the amount of shrimp hatched (#shrimp hatched/total cysts)x100 = % success