Arsalan A Rahim EED, UET Lahore
The Edit Mode is used to create a new case or to modify existing cases. In Edit Mode: Create a new case Create a new one-line diagram Add new components graphically to an existing case Modify the appearance of the one-line objects View and modify a case using non-graphical lists displays Equivalence a case Append a subsystem to an existing case
The Run Mode is used to solve a single Power Flow Solution, run one of the available load flow tools, or run a time-domain simulation of the power system. In Run Mode: The one-line diagrams The Case Information Displays Dialogs to change the simulation options and the Power Flow Solution Scaling to allow easy variation in the load, shunts, and generation at any number of buses Contouring Transfer distribution factor calculations Perform a fault analysis Run Transfer Capability studies Perform OPF & SCOPF Generate PV and QV curves
File is termed as CASE
7 TABS having different Options or Tools Case Information in Statistical Form in form of tabular data for buses, generators load, line shunts, capacitors, series reactors, Difference Flows Case Summary Power Flow lists Bus View
DRAW Tab (Accessible in EDIT Mode Only) Draw Tab has Power System Main Integral Parts such in NETWORK button Field Button gives Access to Different Display Fields to be placed on the one-line diagram to see Data for Different objects such as Generator Voltage or Series Capacitor Current Pies/Gauges Button do the same thing as the Field Button but in Pies or Gauges Form Adds a Circuit Breaker or Visible Arrow for Power Flow
DRAW Tab (Accessible in EDIT Mode Only) Aggregation button does the Aggregation of two or more than two buses or Network elements in an Area or Substation Area, Super Area or Different Zones etc Standard Formatting buttons such as Copy, Paste, Paste Special or Coloring Tools available under the Draw Ribbon Tab
ONLINES Tab Changes the Colors, Labels, Pie Chart Ranges, Display Colors etc for the One- Line Diagram Contours i.e. Colors the area according the values of bus or Line or Generator or Area parameters such as per unit value of voltage at buses and power ratings of transmission line Contouring is editable in RUN Mode
TOOLS Tab (Major Components Work in RUN Mode) Checks whether your made One-line Diagram can withstand or not by performing Full Newton Raphson Method or BLACKOUT Changes POWER FLOW SOLUTION Parameters such as Base Values, Generator VAR Limits, Iterations and some Advanced Options Power Flow Solving Tools PLAY and STOP button
TOOLS Tab (Major Components Work in RUN Mode) Contingency Analysis All Faults can be Simulated Fault Analysis on Any Bus Desired
Power World Simulator Version 13 Download (39MB) will be Available at Official Help File (1400 pages) (14MB) This Presentation also available there
Todays Task Make a 3- Bus Network System Including the Generator (13KV) Loads Transformer (after Generator) Transmission Line (200 KV) Fields ( For Every Element used) Pie Gauges ( For Every Element used) And Solve it using Newton Raphson or Jacobian Method and Play the Simulation