Turtle’s Race with Beaver Amazing Words and Vocabulary Second Grade Reading
Vocabulary challenged lodge dam buried embarrassed halfway
challenged (challenge) To call or invite someone to a game or contest.
lodge A den of an animal.
dam A wall built to hold back the water of a creek, lake, or river.
buried (bury) To hide or cover something.
embarrassed (embarrass) To feel that people are thinking of you badly because of something you said or did.
halfway To be in the middle.
conflict inhabit resolve coax ramp startle serape vacation Amazing Words conflict inhabit resolve coax ramp startle serape vacation
conflict a struggle or fight, especially one that goes on for a long time.
inhabit to live in a place.
resolve to make a decision ; to solve or fix a problem.
coax to gently talk someone into doing something.
ramp a slope or slant that connects two different levels.
startle to surprise and shock very suddenly.
serape a shawl or blanket that people can wear over their shirts; worn in Latin America with bright colors and stripes.
vacation a time away from school or your usual duties.