INNOVATIONs AND WORKs on moral values Istituto comprensivo «F. Pappalardo» Vittoria
« Aims of kindergarten education » The school promotes the following finalities in each child: DEVELOPING IDENTITY means learning how to feel comfortable and feeling confident in dealing with new experiences in an enlarged social environment; DEVELOPING AUTONOMY involves acquiring the skills to have confidence in oneself, to trust others and to make autonomous choices in different relational contexts; DEVELOPING COMPETENCES means: learning to reflect on experience through exploration, observation, and exercise in comparison; describe his experience and translate it into personal and shared traits, narrating and representing significant facts and developing the ability to ask questions, reflect and negotiate the meanings.
« SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES » To collaborate with others by favoring the comparing and devolop friendship; To strengthen self-reliance by paying attention to others; To develop a sense of belonging to a family, a group, to a community, accepting diversity as a positive value; To acquire physical and psychological autonomy; To express and communicate needs and feelings; To observe the rules of common living; To work and collaborate interacting with others; To place itself on the basis of spatial parameters; To develop interest in theatrical, musical and cinematographic performances; To cooperate and collaborate in different situations
Relationship with the territory to know the work of volunteer associations
Friendship’ web has the rainbow ‘s colors
Save and respect environmental by planting and take care of plants in our inside school garden
School and rooms are children’safe and child-friendly to develop their sense of belonging… my school is my home!
Dramatization of important celebrations to know and respect our common past
School’theatre of famous fairy tales to understand the contained moral values
Children listen the teacher telling them stories and espress their opinions drawing and speaking about in a circle time
« actors, teacher and pupils »
Let’s know our cooking traditions! «The mustata»
the harvest
“Putting rules does not mean raising children in fear but teaching them the value of respect”
classroom’rules to live together better
Children learn rules by counting on their fingers «give me five»
You can do it you can’t do it
Right or wrong
Our institute is at the avant-garde; we are concerned about transmitting ethical - moral values to all students, teachers, and parents. It promotes the acquisition of ethical values through the help towards the weaker, the acceptance and the integration of the otherwise skilled. The objectives that we propose, through the five fields of experience, aim to achieve equal goals for everyone, based on the age and abilities of each child. Ethics education is not impossible, but it takes more time. Children in this age are like a sponge and acquire quickly. Finally participating in this Erasmus project has allowed us to learn new teaching methodologies that can be applied in our institute. A truly constructive comparison, to repeat.