Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 1


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Presentation transcript:

Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes Unit 1 5th Grade

hemi/semi Half Semi-circle, semi-professional, semi-monthly, semi-weekly, semi-permeable, semi-private, semi- solid, semi-solid; semi-darkness, Semi-finals, semi-formal, semi-sweet

Chron time Chronological, chronicles, chronometer, chronic, chronological, chronologist, chronometer, chronology

geo earth geography, geology

millimeter, odometer, thermometer measure millimeter, odometer, thermometer

Em- en- To put in Embrace; engrave

transport, import, porter carry transport, import, porter

terra land terrace, terrain

tri three tricycle, triangle

hemisphere, stratosphere ball hemisphere, stratosphere

aqua/ hydra water aquarium, aquatic

dic(t), voc, vok to speak, to call, voice

Mis- Bad, wrong Misfire, misbehave

Co both Co-pilot, co-worker

dictionary, predict, contradict say, speak dictionary, predict, contradict

audi hear auditory, audience

extraterrestrial, extraordinary beyond extraterrestrial, extraordinary

human man Humanity, humane

aggravation, alteration action aggravation, alteration

spec look spectacles, inspect

fec to do or make Effect, confection