The South
Economy: in the South was mostly based on agriculture. Slavery: cheap/ no cost labor for making products.
Cotton Boom. Result of large farms and cheap labor/demand Cotton Boom! Result of large farms and cheap labor/demand. Cotton is king!
Planters: A large-scale farmer who held more than 20 slaves. Cotton Belt Region stretching from SC to east TX where most of the U.S. cotton was produced during the mid-1800’s Planters: A large-scale farmer who held more than 20 slaves.
Cotton Gin: a machine that removes seeds from short-staple cotton. Factories in the South They did have some factories in the South, but most of the money was made by growing cotton. Cotton Gin: a machine that removes seeds from short-staple cotton.
Pick up one white-board on counter and one marker. Do Now! As soon as you do the do now, Ms. W. will bring you some real cotton! Pick up one white-board on counter and one marker. Hand in Do Now’s from the Industrial Revolution. These are Due today! On the top of your gray wk. on the South, Please write the following again and shout it out once: “Cotton is King!”
Southern Society Group Information Planters Yeomen Poor Whites Wealthiest, Men over farms, Women over homes, and slaves Yeomen Owned Small farms, may had some slaves but had to work. Poor Whites Survived by doing odd jobs Free African Americans Discriminated against, odd jobs, forced into slavery.
Role of Slavery Public Services Life in Urban South Role of Slavery Manual Labor Domestic Servants Hired from nearby plantations Public Services Water System Well-maintained Streets Some public education
Life as an Enslaved Person Work Most worked on cotton and some got to work inside. Insider work longer. Some did skill jobs. Life Dirt floor cabins, cheap clothes, and small food rations Culture Blended native faith w/ Christianity. Told folktales, family was central
Reason for Challenging Slavery Treated as property Punishment-Harsh Slave Codes-Boundless Ex of few: 1. Slaves could not leave their master’s property. 2. Could not read or write. 3. Had to by the same religion as master.
Ways to Challenge Slavery Work Slower Try to Escape Rebellion
Nat Turner’s Rebellion In 1831 the most violent slave rebellion in the U.S. history . In the end 60 whites were killed and some slaves. Over 200 slaves were murdered by mobs and the Virginia Militia in order to stop the rebellion.