Course design and objective setting in Training BY Uttam Acharya 9841252849 NASC
Revisit : Previous sessions Adult Learning Systematic Approach to Training Training process TNA ……..
Preview What is course What is course design Process of CD Objective Setting in training Different level of objective
Objectives At the end of the session participants will be able to: Explain course design process Design course Set objectives
What is course? Brainstorming Meta card
A course A course is : “ an attempt to communicate the essential features and principles of a training proposal in such a form that it is open to critical scrutiny and capable of effective translation into practice. “ Stenhouse 1975
What is a Course A course is… Systematic learning of a specific subject Established fields of knowledge Intended learning outcomes Useful subjects in the course Means for personal improvement and development
Course Design : Process Identify Training Needs Break Training Needs into Components in terms of Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Formulate Training Objectives Determine Course Contents Breakdown Course Contents into Sub-subject areas Make into Sequential Order
Learning objectives A statement which describes the expected behavior of a participant in measurable terms Describes what we want to have achieved by the end of the course/training program States what the participants will be able to do by the end of the session/course ~ skills and knowledge, + behaviour & attitudes (competencies)
Use ACTION verbs when writing learning objectives We can only assess the extent to which participants have acquired skills and knowledge if we can actually: observe what they do read what they write hear what they say
Learning objectives S - specific M - measurable A - agreed R - relevant T - time & target bound
Example Avoid words with many interpretations that are not measurable e.g. Know, Understand, Appreciate Use words that describe some observable action e.g. List, State, Describe, Demonstrate, Analyse
Exercise : differentiate (KSA) apply, do , construct, explain, define, use, create, describe, verify, implement, name, locate, categorize, differentiate, generate, develop, compare , demonstrate , help, argue, modify , show, conduct, apply, examine , evaluate plan, analyze, calculate, identify, state, mark, specify, list, tell, discuss, adapt , diagnose,
Level of Objectives … Learning Level 1- Recall - Named items, facts, figures remembered state list describe recognize identify Learning Level 2- Knowledge - understanding of theory explain interpret select discriminate define Learning Level 3- Skills - practical, needs knowledge too do/practice Develop, isolate carry out conduct design,create analyse Learning Level 4 - Adoption - apply new knowledge & skills in the work place, specific context - after a course; - usually needs a belief change. adapt modify apply invent implement 14
Exercise Select topic Set overall aim Cluster them into different module if any Set objectives for your module topic Set objectives of each topic (with 4 level) List out contents Choose appropriate methodology Mention weightage of session 15
Thank you 16