Health and Safety at the Centre Max Hood Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser’s Unit
Role of the Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser’s Unit Operational Doctrine Operational Assessment Learning from each other Centre of Excellence
The role of the new Chief Adviser (1) Provide advice to Ministers and officials Provide advice to the Secretary of State in respect of his powers of direction and intervention Provide broader challenge, wisdom and assurance to Ministers and senior officials Add value to key areas of the FRS policy development and to challenge specific policy areas where necessary, particularly on equality and diversity Provide professional fire and resilience advice to Ministers, senior officials, other government departments and the FRS during a major emergency
The role of the new Chief Adviser (2) Advising local authorities, professional bodies and other interested organisations on FRS matters Ensure that CLG are able to engage influentially in FRS debate To mentor and give professional leadership to FRS professionals within Communities and Local Government Monitor the development of and emerging trends in the FRS, seek out and advise on good practice and encourage its wider application Represent CLG on national bodies
Operational Doctrine: Manuals GRA’s Significant Safety Events
Operational Assessment: A further development from OASD 2006 Self assessment and peer review Greater focus on health and safety? CFRA to have a QA role
Organisational learning: Are we good at this? Significant Safety Events Role of Chief Adviser Role of CFOA
Centre of Excellence: Operational Doctrine Health and safety coordination Identifying and sharing good practice Role of CFRA?