CVR Postdoc Award An opportunity for CVR postdocs to secure a small grant to support the pursuit of an independent project. It also offers a valuable opportunity to gain experience of developing and designing a research project, preparing and defending a grant proposal. Budget: Requested budget should be in the region of £3k Assessment panel: Scientific Advisory sub-group: Massimo Palmarini, John McLauchlan, Jim Neil, Roman Biek, Richard Elliott, Alain Kohl Assessment criteria: Innovative project that takes current work to a decisive point, or explores a new avenue arising from an ongoing project; Potential to enhance the applicant’s personal career development by developing their vision, awareness and expert skills; Full support and approval of the applicant’s supervisor.
CVR Postdoc Award - Timeline 13th May Funding Opportunities presentation from Dr Ghada Zoubinae, MRC 6th August Grants Workshop 8th September Submissions due October Presentations to SA subgroup & awards announced November Feedback to all applicants Summer 2015 Final reports due from awardees