Heidal Hentges Hessen Hunter Jain Joshi Kelly-Moll Krishnappa Ly Mamidala Martin McComas-Bussa Nair x2 Nath Ngo Nutter Padmanabhan Panda Peterson Prak Rice Sabu Sheikh-Mursal Stavedahl Allard Andalkovil Arunkumar Bhakta bhalla Biju Boradia Christner Das Eega Flaten Garcia Gunter Strand Strohmeyer Suresh Villalobos Younger
Old Business High Competition Tournament Schedule Auditions were held this week Tournament Schedule Coaching Structures are finalized Category Choice - First choice is not always available. Practice Scheduling - continuing to work on it. Team Leadership Positions - Manager applications are in drive Category Mentors Parent Boosters Captains’ Report - team bonding
New Business Practice Scheduling Team Leadership Positions - Fundraising Captains’ Report
We are doing individual practice times. Starting the week of the 16th: Mondays: Research Info OO Great Speeches Poetry Duo Drama Tuesdays: Ex.Speaking Humor Creative Storytelling Prose Ex. Reading Fridays: Team Meeting Discussion Prose (until one-act is over) Ex.Reading
Category Choice Due to: Team size and coaching staff availability Competitor schedules outside of speech We might not be able to honor your first choice. Preference will go by experience/performance. We will honor your top 3. YOU HAVE TO FILL OUT THE GOOGLE FORM! If you don’t I can’t schedule your practice. http://goo.gl/forms/eftAjVGfiW
Until then… this is what you should be doing: Everyone - Register if you haven’t Fill out the google form and wait for confirmation of your category/coach/practice Researching/writing/cutting/reading etc. Sign up for an NSDA account so you can take advantage of the resources Look up some things online Once you know your category - look up the rules on MSHSL website.
Team Leadership Positions: Manager applications are due. They are in the speech google folder - fill out and email to revenson@shakopeeschools.org by tomorrow morning. I’m making the decision over the weekend. Category Mentors - You can assume that if you are a junior or a senior, you will be considered a category mentor. This means you have to work to get to know those in your category and will be expected to help with peer coaching.
Team Bonding Tonight at the Community Center Veterans: it’s really important for you to go to these and bond with the new speechies. You all love the family you’ve found here, and the reason is that those who were veterans when you were new reached out and included you. Make sure you pay this forward.
New Cardigans = $33.00 Tell Evenson your style and size preference. This style we do still have some black ones left with the old crest-style logo
Captains Ben Allard Bonia Biju Koushik Mamidala text “@kous” to 81010