School Readiness Department LENA Start Update Smarter Happier Baby School Readiness Department September 3, 2015
LENA Start was Adopted by Huntsville City Schools in Spring of 2015 to Help Parents Grow their Babies Brains through Talk to Improve School Readiness
Family Participation in LENA Start was a Success 17 total participating families in 2 groups One Spanish, one English 99% valid LENA recordings 82% of families qualified for graduation by LENA guidelines
94% of Families Met the Attendance Guidelines
Families Made Significant Gains in Adult Words & Conversational Turns
Families Made Significant Gains in Adult Words & Conversational Turns 92% of families saw gains in adult words. Average change for all families is +42 percentile points based on their adjusted baseline. 67% of families saw gains in conversational turns. Average change for all families is +16 percentile points based on their adjusted baseline.
Families Enrolled in LENA Start Averaged a 27 Minute Decrease in TV/Electronic Time
Families Enrolled in LENA Start Reported an Increased Amount of Time Reading with their Child
The LENA Start Program Continues to Grow Graduate Sessions Fall Sessions
Our Afternoon Graduating Class
Our Evening Graduating Class
Mr. Giles Stopped by to Congratulate our Graduates