Teacher Voice Represented in District Level Decision Making A Targeted Approach Teacher Voice Represented in District Level Decision Making
WHO BENEFITS? DISTRICT BUILDING CLASSROOM DISTRICT BUILDING CLASSROOM Identify Professional Learning Needs Impact of Professional Learning Curriculum Development DISTRICT BUILDING Identify how to utilize coaching Foster data driven discussions Identifies utilization of research best practices BUILDING CLASSROOM CLASSROOM Promotes collaborative discussions in PLCS Examines alignment to the standards Identifies areas for coaching and professional learning
Impact of Professional Learning Identify Professional Learning Needs Making Informed Decisions Curriculum Development
Instructional Content Use of Assessment Instructional Content Use of Homework Formal Course Preparation Instructional Practices Professional Development Opinions and Beliefs about Teaching
Informed Decision Making DO Carry out the plan. PLAN Include SEC data findings in the district curriculum development plan. STUDY Using a data protocol, analyze the SEC data. GATHER Administer SEC according to the District Planning Guide.
To what degree has professional learning impacted instruction? Beyond Instructional Content Professional Instructional Homework Development To what degree has professional learning impacted instruction? Assessment Practices What practices are used the least? What practices are used the most? How does this compare to what we say we value? Opinions and Use What is the purpose of assigning homework? Should there be a homework policy? Use What purpose does assessment serve for improving learning? Is assessment an instructional tool? Beliefs What is the climate and how might teachers’ beliefs impact student learning?
Impactful Decisions Made 1 | Informed Decisions Using the SEC allows all voices to contribute to decision that impact instruction and student learning. 2 | Collaboration Understanding the level of teamwork amongst teachers. CIA Collaboration 3 | Talent Management Impactful Decisions Made Assessing professional learning needs and the impact of professional learning. 4 | Climate & Culture Understanding motivation of the district’s teachers C&C Talent Management 5 | CIA Addressing curriculum, instruction and assessment needs in order to align to state standards.
Sabrina L. Rudy Kimberly H. Murphy Educational Improvement Consultant Wayne RESA rudys@resa.net Kimberly H. Murphy Educational Improvement Consultant Wayne RESA murphyk@resa.net