Overview of the SCIRun/BioPSE Software Systems Hold on to your hats…
Outline Installation Documentation Structure and Layout Dataflow Concepts Network Design and Conventions Modules Network Files and Persistent State I/O, Bridging, and Thirdparty Viewer Interaction
Installation Download from SCI Software website Install Thirdparty http://software.sci.utah.edu (let’s go!) Stable (even) vs Development (odd) releases SCIRun / Packages / Datasets / Docs Install Thirdparty configure gmake
Documentation: The Central Source http://internal.sci.utah.edu/developer/doc/
Documentation: User Support On-line Documentation Tutorial User’s Manual FAQ Lists Printed Documentation User’s Manuals Mailing List 182 registered) Direct Contact Email and Bugzilla Phone
Documentation: Tutorial
Dataflow Dataflow Vocabulary Send and Get GuiVars Scheduler Module Dataport Datapipe UI Send and Get GuiVars Scheduler Dependencies loops: send_intermediate
Network Design
Module: Algorithm + UI Algorithm User Interface Module: wrapper Function Reusability User Interface Buttons, tabs, slides, text entry, … Hidden state Module: wrapper Infrastructure: setup, shutdown Execute 1) Why am I being told to execute 2) Get data from ports 3) Update UI variables 4) Invoke algorithm 5) Send data out ports
Net Files and State Net File Create modules Create datapipes Set UI values Environment variables to create general purpose nets SCIRUN_DATA SCIRUN_DATASET Human editable… but be careful! Datasets can also be written out and read in… more on that tomorrow
I/O, Bridging, and Thirdparty Read/Write modules for SCIRun format “convert” programs for importing / exporting external data formats Packages = projects Internal External: bridging Store external libraries in Thirdparty Independent of SCIRun standards Externally maintained
Viewer Module OpenGL Scene graph Widgets See the User’s Guide for details…