Bellringer: Julius Caesar Intro and Act I Scene i-ii Review Even #s answer even questions. Odd #s answer odd questions. Bellringer: Julius Caesar Intro and Act I Scene i-ii Review What is the British connection to Caesar and the Roman Empire? In the first scene of the play, we hear a brief reference to Caesar’s conflict with Pompey. Explain what that conflict was about? In the first scene of the play, what is a notable difference between those who support Caesar versus those who are against him? What do we infer about Caesar’s wife, Calphurnia, based on Caesar’s instructions to Antony during the footrace? What is the soothsayer’s warning to Caesar? Where do we see irony at this point in the play?
Julius Caesar Act I Scene ii
Objective We will make inferences about our characters based on textual evidence and determine how Shakespeare builds tension in the story.
Small Group Collaboration As there are only 2 characters in this section of the text, you all will work in your small groups (based on the colors of the numbers on your desks) to complete the following tasks: Move your desks together as needed with as little disruption as possible. Assign a member of your group to read for Cassius. Assign a member of your group to read for Brutus. Assign a member of your group to be the writer.
Small Group Collaboration Continued YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES! Read the next section of the text (Act I Scene ii—lines 27-189—pg 11-23) Answer the following questions. How do Cassius’s first words to Brutus in lines 37-41 establish the mood of the scene? What does Brutus’s response to Cassius in lines 42-53 suggest about Brutus’s recent behavior? How does Brutus respond to Cassius’s compliments? How does Cassius try to gain Brutus’s trust in lines 72-84? What does Cassius’s approach in this instance suggest about his perception of Brutus? What kind of relationship is Cassius trying to establish with Brutus?
Let’s Discuss Move your chairs back to their original positions! How do Cassius’s first words to Brutus in lines 37-41 establish the mood of the scene? What does Brutus’s response to Cassius in lines 42-53 suggest about Brutus’s recent behavior? How does Brutus respond to Cassius’s compliments? How does Cassius try to gain Brutus’s trust in lines 72-84? What does Cassius’s approach in this instance suggest about his perception of Brutus? What kind of relationship is Cassius trying to establish with Brutus?
Let’s Keep Reading Act I Scene ii Actors Caesar Antony Casca Brutus Cassius