Tools to use when you write your Master Thesis Annika Nilsson Physics- and Astronomy Library
Support from the Physics and Astronomy Library Source:
Search, find and evaluated scientific information about your subject
Different search tools Local LU search tools LUBcat LUBsearch Serch tools not restricted to LU-material Libris Databases (Web of Science, Inspec, Scopus, Search engines (Duckduckgo, Google)
Search strategy To creat a strategy is essential for successful search results. Keywords and controlled language Boolean searching Search techniques to use in different databases
Write your Thesis Follow academic integrity and Cite correctly Choose one Reference Style - APS, Vancouver or Harvard? Ask your supervisor Consider using a citation management software such as BibTeX, EndNote, Refworks, Mendeley, or Zotero Don’t forget to specify the origin of your figures/images Collect and manage your references when you start working with your thesis!
Urkund Lund University uses the program Urkund in order to prevent and detect cases of plagiarism. Urkund compares student papers with other texts from three central source types – the Internet, printed material and its own archive.
Urkund Send your Thesis to your supervisors Urkund-mail Important that you get the e-mailadress from your supervisor! (
LUP-SP Upload your Thesis in LUP-SP. Full Thesis under Main document Popular abstract under Related Materials
Guide for Students at Advanced Level
Workshop Attend to one of the workshops : Dates: 2/10 or 3/10 or 5/10 Time: 13-15 The computer room – Lyran, Astronomy building Information about the groups by e-mail a week before the workshop Contact:
Preparation for the workshop Find keywords in your subject – think wide and narrow Choose your reference style – ask your supervisor A workshop to spend time with the writing and citing part of the thesis work.