FY18 Controller Call Series The presentation will begin momentarily Welcome to the FY18 Controller Call Series. this call series – *created by unit controllers and supported by Finance to review topics and inform the Controller Network about timely topics that impact the controller role. I am CS, w/ Financial Shared Services (FSS), coordinator of the CN call series, and your host for today. To anyone new to Network - *Welcome to this call series. To invite others from your team to the network, send me an email to add to the DL, or simply forward invites for topics that impact team roles. Shortened the call today to 45 minutes May 2018
Safety Moment & Call Series Planning (Corinne Szabo) UFS Cash Module (Jill Helms) May Enhancement Updates Demo E=nterprise Analysis (Bridget Jozwiak) P&L Dashboard Questions Today’s call is the second of two Unit Controller Calls for the month of May. The content of both calls is the same. Please use the chat, or conversation, function at the lower left of the Skype screen, to ask questions as we proceed through the agenda. We will pause for your questions between each topic and also at the end of the presentation. Unit Controller Call May 2018
Safety Moment: Food Safety – Getting Food Ready for the Grill Food safety is probably a familiar topic with most on the call. Carryover your knowledge to personal outings…
Food Safety - Getting Food Ready for the Grill Before firing up the grill, food must be properly prepared so it can be safely cooked: If possible, thaw larger cuts of meat or poultry completely before grilling so they will cook more evenly. Otherwise, some can be cooked from a frozen state (i.e. hamburger patties). Never thaw meat on the counter; thaw all foods a head of time in the refrigerator. If using a marinade, reserve some for basting or flavoring instead of reusing the sauce that has been in contact with the raw meat. If a marinade must be reused, boil it first to kill any bacteria. Wash vegetables to be grilled thoroughly before cooking. If grilling at home, keep meats refrigerated until it’s time to grill. If food needs to be transported to a park or campsite, store it in a cooler with ice in the shade and avoid cross-contamination. Use clean utensils and platters when handling food. Wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with warm soapy water before handling food or placing it on the grill. Safety Moment
Unit Controller Network
Unit Controller Network Call Series Created by unit controllers and supported by Finance to review topics and inform the Controller Network about timely topics that impact the controller role Monthly call schedule, two meetings All In-Unit Finance distribution Project leaders, process owners, and members support and drive agendas Credit and Collections Accounts Payable Profit and Cost Center Creator (PaCCC) Monthly Close Calendar Revenue Accounting Scanning & Retention FIXED ASSETS Cash Management
Unit Controller Network Yammer Group – Coming Soon Purpose: Organization -share materials, call schedule, meeting agendas Controller discussions, information sharing, internal communications Technical Setup (20%) Group creation Site customization Invite members Next steps: Gather the right people for success Launch wave 1, smaller group. Wave 2 to follow to entire controller network Drive engagement Tell members how to engage in the group – Yammer 101 support Culture (80%) Etiquette & guidance Yammer 101 group Community management
UFS Cash Module Updates May 2018
UFS Cash Module Updates In recent weeks, Revenue Accounting and the UFS Team launched UFS Cash Module updates designed to improve cash reporting accuracy. These changes will help create an accurate tax validation for cash sales that will ensure compliance with tax laws. April Updates: Tax validation is based solely on the total of revenue GL accounts (7XXX.XXXX) (exception: All units in the states of AK, MT, DE and OR MUST report all sales as tax-exempt and use reason code 034 – Exempt Sales AK, MT, DE, OR) Renamed “Gross Receipts & Tax” tab to “Register Receipts & Tax” In Tax Distribution Section: Replaced “Gross Receipts & Tax” field with “Total Register Receipts” and auto populate the amount based on left column entry Remove “Taxable Sales & Tax” field and move Exempt Reason field down Remove Net Sales field “Other” adjustment codes and four-digit adjustment codes (HC version only) were deactivated and no longer available in cash entry screen 9
UFS Cash Module Updates “Other” Adjustment Codes Deactivated: Add Line Adjustment Code 160 - Other Receipts Add Line Adjustment Code 299 - Other Less Line Adjustment Code 999 – Other All four-digit Adjustment Codes in HC version 10
May - UFS Cash Module Updates “Tax Exempt” tab added to allow multiple tax exempt reason codes to be added to assign tax exempt amounts in cash entry UFS Cash Reports updated to show multiple tax exempt reason codes and tax amounts UFS Register Sales – Tax Exempt Reason Codes & Reporting Procedure Guide 11
Live Demonstration – UFS Cash Entry 12
Questions Contact Information Revenue Accounting: (800) 828-7762 options 2, 1, 1 RevenueReportingCompliance.NorAm@sodexo.com Tax Department: SAPSalesUseTaxResearch.NORAM@sodexo.com UFS Help Desk (UFS technical support): (888) 667-9111 options 1, 2, 1 Helpdeskufssupport.Noram@sodexo.com UFS Administrator (general UFS questions): NorAm.UFSAdministrator@sodexo.com 13