REDUCING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REOFFENDING PREMIER’S PRIORITY: REDUCING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REOFFENDING July 2018 Reduce the proportion of domestic violence perpetrators reoffending by 25 per cent by 2021 (based on the 2019 cohort of perpetrators)
From the baseline of 14.2% DV re-offending reported in 2015. DV reoffending rates vary across NSW Offenders and reoffending rate by region (2016 cohort)* Target: Reduce the proportion of domestic violence perpetrators reoffending by 25 per cent by 2021 (based on the 2019 cohort of perpetrators). From the baseline of 14.2% DV re-offending reported in 2015. Northern Offenders: 3,992 RR:16.9% Western Offenders: 1,761 RR:18.9% North West Metro Offenders: 2,591 RR:15.2% Central Metro Offenders: 1,910 RR:13.6% The PIU and the Department of Justice are finalising the Deep Dive reports for Northern and South West Metro regions to better understand local implementation and identify good practices for broader adoption. Southern Offenders: 2,054 RR:15.3% South West Offenders: 3,035 RR:14.4% Offenders = Annual volume DV assault offenders, 2016 RR = Annual Reoffending Rate, 2016 cohort Source: BOCSAR DV Dashboard Q4 2016 cohort; North West Metro RSG Action Plan February 2018. Note: Excludes 13 offenders unable to be classified by location. Department of Justice 2
Reducing Domestic Violence Reoffending Program Logic Foundational activities Program enablers Program activities Practice Guide for Intervention EQUIPS What’s Your Plan Remand DV High Risk Offender Teams Suspect Target Management Plans Men’s Behaviour Change Programs Strengthening ADVO Compliance Automatic Referrals High Intensity Program Units ENGAGE DV Notify Sentencing Reform Immediate outcomes Intermediate outcomes End outcome Impact on reoffending Reduce the proportion of domestic violence perpetrators reoffending by 25 per cent by 2021 (based on the 2019 cohort of domestic violence offenders) Broader goal Improved community safety Programs and interventions for DV offenders Monitoring and compliance of DV offenders Proportion of supervised offenders who successfully complete supervision order Increase # and % DV offenders who complete brief behavioural insights interventions and other treatment programs Increase # and % DV offenders who complete CSNSW and NGO behaviour change programs Increase # DV behaviour change programs delivered Increased dosage of treatments delivered to offenders based on risk, need and responsivity DV offenders actively plan and develop strategies to manage their offending behaviour Reduced opportunities for high risk DV offenders to reoffend Improved ADVO compliance Increased detection of reoffending behaviour Change DV offending behaviour Premier’s Priority Governance: RDVR Implementation Committee, RDVR Steering Committee Process review, evaluation and continuous improvement Evidence and data management Regional coordination and collaboration through Regional Strategy Groups Strategic communications Driving innovation through behavioural insights Increase # and % Police LACs with access to materials based on behavioural insights for offenders on ADVOs Increase # and % high risk DV offenders under active monitoring and surveillance ReINVEST GPS Tracking Drivers of DV offending behaviour addressed Department of Justice
Partners (government) Regional Strategy Groups and partner agencies Partners (government) NSW Police Force Corrective Services NSW Family and Community Services Legal Aid NSW (Criminal Law) Legal Aid NSW (WDVCAP) Aboriginal Legal Service Juvenile Justice NSW Health Education Victims Services Courts and Tribunal Services North West Metro Northern Region South West Metro Western NSW Police regions Blacktown Mount Druitt Penrith Parramatta North West Metro Liverpool Campbelltown Bankstown Fairfield South West Metro Darling River Orana Castlereagh Barwon Newcastle City Central Hunter Lake Macquarie Tuggerah Lakes Brisbane Water Northern Western Department of Justice 4 4
Thank you! Department of Justice 5
Definitions: Target and measures Legal Action Rate Concurrent reports Person of interest (POI) Domestic violence assault Premier’s Priority target measure Percentage of DV assault Persons of Interest (POIs) proceeded against by police who are proceeded against for a new DV assault offence within 12 months. Persons of interest who have a legal action commenced against them by the NSW Police Force. Legal actions can include: referral to court, caution, youth justice conference, criminal infringement notice, other infringement notice and/or cannabis or other drug caution. Police incident categories of: actual bodily harm, common assault, grievous bodily harm (including malicious wounding), shoot with intent other than to murder, assault police officer and spike drink/food flagged by police as being domestic violence related. In the context of the Premier’s Priority, the current counting rule for ‘reoffender’ includes persons of interest with multiple offences reported on the same day. These are referred to as ‘concurrent reports’. An alleged offender who is proceeded against by Police in some way. Police may proceed against alleged offenders through a variety of legal or other processes. Most alleged offenders are referred to the NSW Criminal Courts. Department of Justice 6