Colocación de los pronombres de complemento Placement of pronouns Referring to things already mentioned
Los pronombres Remember: pronouns replace nouns and help avoid repetition. Direct Objects: receive action of verb. I wrote the letter. Indirect Objects: receive direct object. I wrote the letter to my friend.
Direct Object Pronouns Singular Plural Me Nos Te Os Lo, La - it, him, her, you Los, Las - them, you all
Indirect Object Pronouns Singular Plural Me - to/for me Nos - to/for us Te - to/for you Os - to/for you (informal) Le - to/for him, her, it, you Les - to/for them, you-all *Remember: Le/Les Se when two Ls in a row Ex: Yo se los doy a Marta.
Con el imperativo You can add the pronouns onto the end of an affirmative command. However, in a negative command, they come between “no” and the verb. You must add an accent to the command when attaching pronouns. Add the accent to the second to last syllable.
Con el imperativo Ejemplos: ¡Lave los platos! ¡Lávelos! ¡Coma la ensalada! ¡Cómala! ¡Sirva el postre! ¡Sírvalo! ¡Déme la receta! ¡Démela! ¡Dígame la verdad! ¡Dígamela! ¡No hierva el arroz! ¡No lo hierva!
Dormirse (ue) (to fall asleep) Despertarse (ie) (to awake) Acordarse- ue (to remember) Sentirse (ie) (to feel) Acercarse (to approach) Peinarse (to comb) Sentarse-(ie) (to sit) Vestirse (i) (to get dressed) Acostarse (ue) (to go to bed) Cepillarse (to brush) Bañarse (to bathe) Levantarse (to stand up)
Reirse – To laugh Esconderse – To hide