Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engr/Math/Physics 25 Prob 5.47, 5.57 Tutorial Bruce Mayer, PE Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer
Problem 5.47 Chemical Rcn Order 1st Order Rate Eqn is Expontnential By SemiLog Linearization we can “Discover” parameters [m & b] [C(0) & −k] 2nd Order Eqn can be LINEARIZED as Thus ANOTHER Linearizable Fcn
Prob Solve 1st Step → PLOT it Advice for Every Engineer and Applied Mathematician or Physicist: Rule-1: When in Doubt PLOT IT! Rule-2: If you don’t KNOW when to DOUBT, then PLOT EVERYTHING
Prob 5.47 When in Doubt PLOT (use SubPlot) Some CURVATURE Straight Better Model t X 1/C Y
Linear Xform of 2nd Order Reaction Now that the plot has identified the Rcn as 2nd Order, Make Linear Xform The 2nd Order Eqn Use polyfit of order-1 to generate fitting parameters contained in vector k_1overC0 That is: k_1overC0 = [m, B2]; or k_1overC0(1) = m = k k_1overC0(2) = B2 = 1/C(0)
The 2nd Order Model
P 5.47 Answer k_1overC0 = [m B2] = [k 1/C0] = [5.4445e-001 9.9605e+001] k = 5.4445e-001 k = 0.54445 C0 = 1/9.9605e+001 1.0040e-002 C(0) = 0.01004
P5.57 Geometry E-Field Governing Equation
The Distance Calcs Using Pythagorean Theorem
The MeshGrid Plot
Meshc Plot MeshGrid Prob5_57_Point_Charges_meshgrid_Plot_0910.m
surf Plot by MeshGrid Prob5_57_Point_Charges_meshgrid_Plot_0910.m
The Loop Plot
Note that plot is TURNED meshc Plot by Loop Note that plot is TURNED
Note that plot is TURNED surf Plot by Loop Note that plot is TURNED