Getting the Vote Game… Each of you has three (3) votes in your possession The goal of this game is to get the most votes from your fellow students The person with the most votes wins extra credit You must try to persuade your fellow students to give you their votes Think about how you might accomplish this goal How will you convince them to give up their votes?
Government corruption is always fun… Political Machines Government corruption is always fun…
So, what is a political machine? Way of organizing politics Group that offers services to voters/business in exchange for support quid pro quo (something for something) Based on patronage or the spoils system Behind the scenes control
Where is this happening and how? Major cities New York, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Philadelphia How does it work? Machines led by a “boss” Does favors for constituents They vote as they are told Used threats./violence if necessary
Methods of Corruption Graft: Using your power/influence in an illegal manner “Stuffing the ballot box”: Rigging an election Kickbacks: Illegal payments for services Generally preyed on immigrants Why? Needed jobs, homes etc. Immigrants gave up their votes for help
Tammany Hall, New York William M. Tweed (Boss Tweed) Most infamous Members of Tammany Hall received the government contract to build the NYC Courthouse Taxpayers paid 13 million… The courthouse only cost about 3 million dollars to construct Tweed pocketed rest of money Civil Service Commission: appoints people who will hold federal jobs. Merit System: tests to qualify people for jobs